Catalog - Current Abridged
Abridged listing of the current monthly catalog (excludes wholesale lots and ongoing listings).Catalog - Current Abridged
Abridged listing of the current monthly catalog (excludes wholesale lots and ongoing listings).
Baseball reports from before the Civil War...
Item #675280
October 03, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Oct. 3, 1857 A rather famous sporting newspaper, with a sporting-themed masthead, calling itself: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
Page 5 has nearly a full column taken up with: "Base Ball" which has detailed reports of various baseball games including the early version of the box score of the ... See More
Seven scenes at New York Harbor...
Item #690018
January 02, 1858
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Jan. 2, 1858 Two pages contain a lengthy article: "The Hudson River Historically Considered" which includes 7 prints: "Bedlow's Island, New York Harbor", now the site of the Statue of Liberty; "Fort Lafayette" "Ellis's Island, New York Harbor" "Fort Hamilton & Staten Island" "Gravesend Bay"... See More
Very early Sioux Indian print on the front page...
Item #689896
May 29, 1858
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, May 29, 1858 The front page has a nice print of: "Smutty Bear, of the Sioux Tribe of Indians", plus a related article on him. This is one of the earlier prints of a Native American in a newspaper.
Other prints within are of European scenes.
Sixteen pages, good condition.
Salmon fishing & White House prints...
Item #646979
May 21, 1859
GLEASON'S WEEKLY LINE-OF-BATTLE SHIP, Boston, May 21, 1859 The front page has a portrait of: "The Late John C. Warren, M.D." with a biography of him. Also a print of: "Hotel Des Iles Brittannique, in the Plazza Del Popolo, at Rome." with text. Inside has a nice print of: "Salmon Fishing" and: "London & Paris Fashions For May" with articles on b... See More
On John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry... Kit Carson is not dead...
Item #699724
November 29, 1859
NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 29, 1859 The front page has column heads: "The Harper's Ferry Trouble" "Arrangements for the Execution of John Brown on Friday" "Any Attempt at Rescue to be Crushed Out at Once" "Imposing Military Display" and "The Public Feeling in Virginia and Elsewhere."
Other reports include: "The Metropolis of the Union in... See More
A week's worth of Civil War issues from the nation's capital...
Item #709973
July 13, 1861
THE DAILY GLOBE, Washington, D.C., July 8-13, 1861 A lot of 6 issues spanning an entire week (they did not print on Sundays) from the early Civil War era and from the nation's capital. This title concentrates on providing verbatim reports from Congress as its content is almost entirely such. Reports on the Civil War are very limited; however these issues do provide a nice reflection of C... See More
President of the Confederacy has died?
Item #691055
September 06, 1861
NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 6, 1861 The front page first column has some nice heads: "THE REBELLION" "Confirmation of the Reported Death of Jefferson Davis" (obviously wrong); "The Flags of the Rebels Flying at Half-Staff" "Intense Excitement at Washington" "A General Engagement of the Hostile Armies Expected" "A Great Battle Probable To-Day&... See More
Two Civil War maps: front page and back page...
Item #704622
February 13, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 13, 1862 Taking close to half of the front page is a great map: "Brilliant Operations At Roanoke Island -- Scene of General Burnside and Commodore Goldsborough's Victories--Roanoke Island & Elizabeth City." The map and reports take all of the front page and conclude on the back page.
Front page column heads include: "Important News" "Th... See More
Confederate newspaper... South Carolina, Fort Donelson, and more...
Item #704642
February 15, 1862
THE DAILY SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, Columbia, South Carolina, Feb. 15, 1862 A rather rare title and great that it includes the word “Southern”.
The front page is mostly taken up with ads & military notices but two columns have war news: "From Norfolk" "From Richmond" "The War Feeling in the Country" "The Evacuation of Romney".
Much mor... See More
Volume I issue... Below the Mason-Dixon line...
Item #701933
March 06, 1862
MARYLAND NEWS SHEET, Baltimore, March 6, 1862 This is a volume I issue of an uncommon title from below the Mason-Dixon Line during the Civil War.
There are some war-related reports on page 2 including: "War & Other News" "From the South" "The Occupation of Nashville" "The Union Men in Richmond" and more.
Four pages, larger than typical folio size... See More
A battle is brewing (on the outskirts of Richmond)...
Item #709893
May 24, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 24, 1862
* Battle of Princeton Court House
* Siege of Corinth, Mississippi
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page has: "Heavy Skirmish in the Neighborhood of Richmond", with what appears to a lengthy related editorial on page two which states in part: "This is probably the eve of battle. All facts poin... See More
Civil War from New Orleans...
Item #701934
July 16, 1862
THE DAILY TRUE DELTA, New Orleans, July 16, 1862 Admiral Farragut entered the mouth of the Mississippi in mid-April, 1862 and finally took New Orleans on April 28. Shortly thereafter Benjamin Butler moved in and took control of the city, it surrendering without a fight. Consequently this is a "union occupation" newspaper.
Among the reports are: "How About the Shinplasters?&qu... See More
Interesting data from the eighth census of the United States...
Item #681589
July 21, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, July 21, 1862 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From the Gulf" "More Seizures of Valuable Prizes" "The English-Confederate Steamer Adeia Captured" "Important From Washington--Awaiting the Arrival of Gen. Halleck" "Sketch of the General" "News From Corinth" plus results from "The... See More
Second Battle of Murfreesboro...
Item #691073
January 16, 1863
NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 16, 1863 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "The Army Of The Potomac" "Condition & Prospects of the Army" "From The Rebel States" "Abuse of a Flag of Truce at Fredericksburgh" "Estimates of the Results of the Battle at Murfreesboro" and much more.
Eight pages, never trimmed margins, ver... See More
Wendell Phillips' speech in Brooklyn... The South refuses a union with the North...
Item #709604
February 04, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 4, 1863 The back-page has "MR. PHILLIPS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH", with subhead: "Our Future". The speech and additional commentary take over four columns.
Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "From the Vicksburg Expedition" "Position of Our Army & Fleet" "Gen. Grant to Take Command" "The South Refuse ... See More
Latest reports on the Civil War...
Item #691764
March 03, 1863
NEW YORK TIMES, March 3, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Capture of the Gunboat Indiana by the Rebels" "Naval Engagement Thirty Miles Below Vicksburg" "The Indiana Badly Crippled & Run Ashore" "The Pirate Florida Again" "The Copperheads Filibustering in the House" "Our Cairo Correspondence" an... See More
Civil War news in a Confederate newspaper...
Item #694149
May 25, 1863
THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, May 25, 1863 Among the reports in this Confederate newspaper are: "Highly "Important From Vicksburg" "Letter From Richmond" 'A Brilliant Affair--Capture of Two Yankee Steamers in North Carolina" "The Late Skirmish in Isle of Wight County, Ga." and some items on the back page.
Complete as a single sheet issue... See More
Rebel strength in Texas...
Item #674895
October 26, 1863
THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 26, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Gen. Banks's Advance at Bayou Teche" "Interesting News from Texas & Mexico" "Strength of the Rebel Army in Texas" "Cavalry Fight at Bealton Station" "Bragg's Army Reported to be 80,000 Strong" and more.
Eight pages, light damp stain to a l... See More
Civil War events near St. Augustine, Florida...
Item #690793
January 19, 1864
NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 19, 1864 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Department Of The South" "An Affair Near St. Augustine, Fla." "Capture of a Detachment of Our Troops by Rebel Cavalry" "Military & Political Situation of the Rebellion" "Views of the Situation About Charleston "Retaliation for the Execution of Guerrilla... See More
Rare Confederate title from Petersburg... Letter signed in type by: J.E. B. Stuart...
Item #709999
February 29, 1864
THE DAILY EXPRESS, Petersburg, Virginia, Feb. 29, 1864
* Rare Confederate publication
Petersburg was a critical city to the Confederacy, located not far south of the capital of Richmond, and the focus of a six-month long siege when ended in early April, 1865, when Lee withdrew his troops from Petersburg and urged Jefferson Davis to remove the capital from Richmond. The war would end sh... See More
Much from Robert E. Lee's army...
Item #694398
May 06, 1864
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 6, 1864 Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "From General Lee's Army" "Grant's Forces Across the River--The Battle Likely to Take Place at Mine Run--The Yankee Strength" "The Very Latest" "The Impending Battle on the Rapidan--The Enemy on the Peninsula..." "Later From the North" a... See More
Huge Civil War map & more...
Item #681621
May 16, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, May 16, 1864 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT ! " "Lee's Army on the Right Bank of the Po" "Sheridan's Brilliant Operations" "General J.E.B. Stuart Defeated & Killed" "Sketch of Stuart" "The Rebels Sally Forth and are Gallantly Repulsed" "Sheridan's Junction With Bu... See More
One of the best display issues from the Civil War...
Item #681637
June 01, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, June 1, 1864 A terrific issue for display as the front page is dominated by a huge Civil War map headed: "RICHMOND IN SIGHT ! The New Field of Operations...".
Great column heads include: "ON TO RICHMOND!" "Splendid Success of Grant, Meade, Warren & Hancock" "Terrible Slaughter of Rebels" "Interesting Repots from Richmon... See More
The famous anti-slavery newspaper...
Item #678110
October 28, 1864
THE LIBERATOR, Boston, Oct. 28, 1864 This is the famous anti-slavery newspaper by famed abolitionist publisher William Lloyd Garrison. The masthead features two engravings, one of a slave auction and the other showing slaves being emancipated.
The entire front page & most of the back page are taken up with: "The Great Western Conspiracy". Inside: "The Free South" &qu... See More
One of the more fascinating publishers from the Civil War...
Item #704651
December 07, 1864
BROWNLOW’S KNOXVILLE WHIG, AND REBEL VENTILATOR, Tennessee, Dec. 7, 1864 W. G. Brownlow, or Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-riding Methodist parson turned to the press to spread his harsh anti-Presbyterian, anti-Calvinist rhetoric, and to spread his ferve... See More
Civil War map of Sherman at Atlanta...
Item #693851
December 14, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 14, 1864 The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "SHERMAN AND SAVANNAH. Where General Sherman Is Coming Out---The Probable Battle Field on Sunday."
Nice front page column heads include: "SHERMAN" "The Crisis In Georgia" "Closing Scenes of the Great Campaign" "Sherman at the Gates of Savannah" "... See More
Sherman's march to the sea...
Item #704634
December 16, 1864
NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 16, 1864 Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN'S ARMY" "Savannah Probably Fallen" "Kilpatrick Rumored Mortally Wounded" "NASHVILLE" "A GREAT BATTLE YESTERDAY" "GEN. THOMAS DEFEATS HOOD" "The Rebels Driven from Their Intrenchments" "The Battle Not Yet Over" &qu... See More
Making fun of Missouri and Maryland as "free states"...
Item #704635
January 16, 1865
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 16, 1865 The front page begins with an interesting editorial which has near the beginning: "A body termed a 'State Convention' in Missouri did on last Wednesday...pass an ordinance of Emancipation, declaring all slaves free from that moment; and the Northern papers inform us that thereupon 'Free Maryland extends her congratulations on 't... See More
Confederate newspaper from near the end of the war...
Item #704637
February 03, 1865
THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 3, 1865 Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from just over 2 months before surrendering.
The top of the front page has an item from the Confederate Congress which begins: "The ... See More
On Lincoln, and on the end of the Civil War...
Item #703869
April 29, 1865
WORCESTER DAILY SPY, Massachusetts, April 29, 1865 This issue has a combination of Lincoln-related reports, and end of war items, front page items including: "Sketch of Boston Corbett" who was the soldier who shot & killed John Wilkes Booth 2 days prior; and: "Flight of Jeff. Davis". Page 2 includes: "Johnston's Surrender" "The Funeral Pageant... See More
Jeff Davis on the run... Another rebel general surrenders...
Item #702438
May 09, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, May 9, 1865 Among the front page column heads on the events immediately following the Civil War are: "HOMEWARD BOUND" "The Army of the Potomac in Richmond" "40,000 Heroes March Through that City" "FLIGHT OF JEFF. DAVIS" "He Was at Washington, Georgia, on the 4th" "Stoneman's Rough Riders Close Upon His Heels&quo... See More
Perhaps the best publication for any baseball collector...
Item #704614
October 10, 1867
THE BALL PLAYERS' CHRONICLE, New York, Oct. 10, 1867 A very rare & desired title by any baseball collector as this was the first magazine in America devoted primarily to baseball.
Edited by the legendary Henry Chadwick, this paper lasted but 30 issues, from June 6 thru December 26, 1867 before changing its name to the 'American Chronicle' (which in turn lasted only 31 issues... See More
The Medicine Lodge Treaty...
Item #689138
November 16, 1867
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Nov. 16, 1867 The prime content concerns the Medicine Lodge Treaty taking all of page 5 and includes 4 prints, the largest captioned: "Council of the Arapahoe & Comanche Indians on Medicine Lodge Creek, Arkansas...".
The others show: "Comanche Indians on the Way to the Great Council on Medicine Lodge Creek", "The Pe... See More
Very early bicycle prints...
Item #704619
June 12, 1869
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York June 12, 1869 The front page has a very nice & curious print captioned: "Sturdy and Young's Circular Velocipede" with a related front page article titled: "Improved Combination Pleasure Velocipede". An inside page also has a print of: "Price's Improved Bicycle" with a related article as well.
Sixteen pages, nice conditi... See More
Brigham Young arrested in 1871..
Item #709907
October 09, 1871
ONEIDA CIRCULAR, Oneida, New York, October 9, 1871
* Mormon Leader Brigham Young
* Mormon Leader Brigham Young
* Arrested for Adultery - 1st Report
A small size newspaper from the famous Oneida Community in New York, an early "commune" in experimental living. Various religiously-themed content but a bit of reporting of news of the day as well. An interesting title from this inte
Very early from San Diego, and with good content...
Item #704620
October 12, 1871
SAN DIEGO DAILY UNION, California, Oct. 12, 1871 Not just a very early newspaper from San Diego (a vol. 2 issue) but with nice content as well, as the front page has column-wide heads: "CHICAGO" "The Latest News--Extent of the Burnt District--The Entire Northern Division Swept Clean--The People Camped on the Prairie".
Inside has a related article/editorial headed: "... See More
Focused on patents...
Item #702164
May 01, 1872
THE PATENT RIGHT GAZETTE, New York, May, 1872 Still has the original outer wrappers, upon which is printed: "A Monthly Illustrated Journal of the Industrial Arts Especially Devoted to The Sale, Description and Illustrations of Patents...".
Nice to still have the decorative outer wrappers.
Sixteen pages plus the outer wrappers, 10 1/2 by 13 1/4 inches, good condition.
Very scarce title from Vallejo, California...
Item #684502
November 29, 1873
VALLEJO DAILY INDEPENDENT, California, Nov. 29, 1873 A quite scarce newspaper from this town in the northern portion of the San Francisco Bay. It was named after Don Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, the famed California general and statesman. He was a leading proponent of California's statehood and one of the first members of the California State Senate.
This newspaper existed for less than ... See More
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Lexington & Concord...
Item #701475
April 16, 1875
NEW YORK HERALD, April 16, 1875 In celebrating the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Revolutionary War, with the Battle of Lexington & Concord, this newspaper includes on page 3 two illustrations captioned: "First Blood at Lexington" and: "First Blood at Concord".
Plus there is much text with column heads: "WHO FIRED IT?" "We Mean 'The Shot... See More
On the trial for the Mountain Meadows Massacre...
Item #699964
July 21, 1875
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 21, 1875 The bottom of the front page has a report: "A New Indictment For The Mountain Meadow Affair" with a dateline from Beaver, Utah.
The Mountain Meadows Massacre was a series of attacks during the Utah War that resulted in the mass murder of at least 120 members of an emigrant wagon train, occurring in the southern Utah Territory at Mountain Meadows. It... See More
On the Fort Robinson Massacre...
Item #699895
January 23, 1879
THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, Jan. 23, 1879 Page 2 has an article: "The Indian War" "Bloody Battle Between the Troops and Runaway Cheyennes" with a Fort Robinson (Nebraska), dateline.
This reports on the "Fort Robinson Breakout" about which much can be found online.
Eight pages, a bit irregular at the spine, nice condition.
... See More
An amateur press newsletter from Iowa...
Item #697316
February 01, 1879
THE HAWKEYE BOY, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, May, 1879 This is a product of the "amateur press" which was a very population avocation at the time. The matched notes: "Devoted To the Advancement of the School of Journalism."
Four pages, 8 1/4 by 12 inches, very nice condition.
In the "...interests of the pioneers of California..."
Item #704709
July 05, 1879
THE PIONEER, San Jose, California, July 5, 1879 The masthead notes: "Devoted To The Interests Of The Pioneers of California And the Resources of the Golden State."
The masthead is one of the more graphic we have seen, featuring three vignettes: one of settlers traveling, one of a bear, and another of a detailed mining scene.
This title is not recorded in Gregory's "Union... See More
Early woman's suffrage newspaper...
Item #704711
October 25, 1879
THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL, Boston, Oct. 25, 1879 Uncommon women's suffrage paper produced by--among others--Lucy Stone, Alice Blackwell, Julia Ward Howe, and Mary Livermore.
Among the articles: "The Other Side of the Woman Question" "Concerning Women" "The Woman Question" "Francis Parkman's History" "The Women's Congress" and much ... See More
Short-lived newspaper for Civil War veterans... Very handsome masthead...
Item #697476
November 25, 1879
THE KNAPSACK, New York, Nov. 27, 1879 Described in the masthead as: "A Daily Journal Of The Seventh Regiment New Armory Fair", this very short-lived publication lasted for just 18 issues, likely the length of the fair which supported the interests of veterans of the Civil War.
Its best feature may well be the beautiful & ornate masthead which has a distinctly military theme, s... See More
From the territory of Washington...
Item #706680
March 31, 1881
WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT, Pomeroy, Columbia County, Washington Territory, March 31, 1881 A volume one issue from this small town in Southeastern Washington, published 8 years before statehood. Various news and ads of the day.
Gregory notes that only 2 institutions have any holdings of this title. This is just one of 2 or 3 issues remaining in our inventory.
Four bags, older tape at the insid... See More
Terrific graphic issue on the death of President James Garfield...
Item #710001
September 26, 1881
THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, Sept. 26, 1881
* President James S. Garfield death
* Best publication to have ?
See the photos for the terrific & very unusual front page of this issue, which is a huge graphic on the death of President Garfield in the shape of a monument. It looks more like a broadside than the front page of a daily newspaper. Reporting begins on page 8 and continues o... See More
Great Tombstone newspaper printed ten days before the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral...
Item #704629
October 16, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Cochise County, Arizona, October 16, 1881 Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in popular culture. This issue was printed just ten days prior to... See More
Displayable football print...
Item #701731
November 05, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 5, 1881 The prime print in this issue is the doublepage centerfold, which is one of the best football centerfolds of the19th century to be had.
The doublepage is captioned: "A Game of Foot-Ball---A 'Scrummage' at the Close" which was drawn by the famed artist A. B. Frost. Very displayable as such. This print has 3 small binding holes dow... See More
Chicago White Stockings: National League champs...
Item #704610
October 14, 1882
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 14, 1882 Inside has a very nice half page illustration captioned: "The Chicago Baseball Team, Winners Of The National League Championship." This is a team portrait of eleven players in uniform, including M. J. Kelly and A. C. Anson. The bottom half of that leaf has a print of a comet over New York City, Another page is taken up with 6 i... See More
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