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General Joseph E. Johnston...

The Confederate version of "Harper's Weekly"...

Item # 582917

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November 01, 1862

SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED NEWS, Richmond, November 1, 1862 

* Very rare Confederate title 
* General Joseph E. Johnston

A very rare publication from the Confederacy which seldom comes to the collector market. Although much of the content was literary in nature, there are news reports and a few illustrations.
The front page features a nice illustration of: "General Joseph E. Johnston" with the balance of the front page taken up with a biography of him focusing on his leadership in the on-going Civil War (see photos). This biography carries over to take most of page 2 as well.

Page 3 has over a column headed: "The Times" which has reports on the latest events on the Civil War. Some items include: "The army of Gen. Lee still occupies its old position near Winchester...On the 19th our cavalry made a dash upon a house not far below Charlestown & captured a package of letters..." which included a letter printed here (see photos).

Also: "...In the early part of the week great anxiety was felt for General Bragg and his army...The public certainly expected to hear that Buell had been annihilated & that Bragg was in Louisville. Immediately after came vague rumors that he had been defeated...At last, however, General Bragg's official account was published. He had fought but one battle & had defeated the enemy...General Bragg was retiring leisurely in the direction of Cumberland Gap...Intelligence from Gen. Beauregard was received...Yankees made an attack on Pocatalico & Coosawatchie...They were repulsed in gallant style..." and more.
Pages 4 & 5 contain a continued literary piece which includes 4 illustrations.

Begun on September 13, 1862 the "Southern Illustrated News" sought to fill the void left when the Southern States lost access to Harper’s Weekly and other illustrated newspapers from the North. In its “Salutatory,” in the first issue the editors state:  "...We propose to issue an Illustrated Family Newspaper…devoted to literature, to public instruction and amusement, to general news, and to the cause of our country in this trying hour when she is engaged in a terrible, but resolute and hopeful struggle for her liberty and independence..." Although it could be argued it never lived up to all of these goals as reports from the war were very limited, it was an important publication nonetheless. At its peak boasting as many subscribers as the largest daily paper in Richmond.

As with all Southern publications it suffered from lack of supplies, reporters, artists and engravers as many had been drafted either into the military or into the service of the Confederate administration to engrave paper money and stamps. The engravings were crude when compared to Yankee publications.

Eight pages, in very nice, clean condition. Nice to have such a famous general's portrait on the front page.

Category: Confederate