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Commodore Rogers' report on "Little Belt Affair"... First report...

Item # 582829

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June 06, 1811

MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, Middletown, Connecticut, June 6, 1811  Page two begins the lengthy first report, nearly two full columns, "OFFICIAL. Washington City, May 28, Copy of a letter from Commodore Rogers to the Secretary of the Navy, United States Frigate, off Sandy Hook, 23d May 1811" which is of the detailed battle between the Britannic Majesty's ship, Little Belt commanded by captain Bingham, and his. This is signed in type: JOHN ROGERS. This event would be further the tensions between Britain and the United States which led to the War of 1812.  See photos for portions of the text.
Also within this issue are articles "Pickering's Address, to the People of the United States" and one of Bonaparte establishing a public manufactory of Tobacco and Snuff of which "it shall be carried on by a particular committee for the benefit of the public chest, or in other words for his own benefit...". Other news and advertisements are within.
This is complete in four pages, untrimmed, with several small binding holes in the left spine, scattered foxing and some stray handwriting. There also are two small archival mends at the centerfold. Otherwise in good condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War