Web Results (1345)



1872 Lexington, North Carolina hanging...

Item #700109

December 14, 1872

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 14, 1872

* Lexington, North Carolina

* African American execution

* Davidson County hanging

The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "THE EXTREME PENALTY" with subheads. (see images) A detailed report here.

Complete with all 12 pages, a little spine wear, otherwise nice.... See More  

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The Lowry War in North Carolina...

Item #700084

December 28, 1872

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 28, 1872 

* Andrew Strong killed

* Lowry's War - gang

* Pembroke, North Carolina

* Scuffletown

Page three has an article on the Lowery (Lowry, Lowrie) War in North Carolina.

The Lowry War is a notable event in North Carolina history. Led by Henry Berry Lowry, whose father and brother were murdered by men of the Confederate Home Guard, a band of American... See More  

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1938 Arabi, Georgia Negro lynching...

Item #699386

July 10, 1938

THE EVENING NEWS, Detroit, July 10, 1938

* Arabi, Crisp County, Georgia

* John Dukes - Negro lynching - burning


The top of the front page has a one column heading: "MOB IN GEORGIA BURNS NEGRO FOR KILLING OFFICER" with subheads. (see images)

Complete 1st section only with 10 pages, light toning at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, nice condition.... See More  

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16th Street Baptist Church bombing...

Item #699317

September 17, 1963

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Mass., September 17, 1963

* 16th Street Baptist Church bombing

* Birmingham, Alabama Ku Klux Klan

* African-American girls killed

* Martin Luther King Jr. comments

The front page has a two column photo with small heading: "Blast Kills Four in Sunday School" with text. (see images) Also a two column heading: "Montgomery Negroes Plan Protest Marc... See More  

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Early report on the slave trade in America...

Item #699115

September 05, 1765

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 5, 1765  Pages 1 and 2 have reports headed: "America" with Charleston datelines. The first report is quite notable, as it is a very early reference to the importation of slaves.

It reads: "The value of the negroes imported into this province since the passing of the act for laying an additional duty, to take place the 1st of January nest, i... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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During Washington's administration...

Item #699043

January 24, 1793

THE MAIL; OR CLAYPOOLE'S DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 24, 1793  A typical newspaper of the day from during George Washington's administration. Inside has two slave or indented servant reward ads.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, very nice condition.

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Lengthy article on John Brown and his Harper's Ferry raid...

Item #699041

December 27, 1859

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, Dec. 27, 1859  Pages 6 and 7 contain a lengthy article headed: "John Brown's Invasion--Letter from Theodore Parker to a friend in Boston" in which he makes several related pronouncements, including: "A man held against his will as a slave has a natural right to kill every one who seeks to prevent his enjoyment of liberty..." and "It may be ... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Lengthy article on John Brown and his Harper's Ferry raid...

Item #699040

December 27, 1859

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, Dec. 27, 1859  Pages 6 and 7 contain a lengthy article headed: "John Brown's Invasion--Letter from Theodore Parker to a friend in Boston" in which he makes several related pronouncements, including: "A man held against his will as a slave has a natural right to kill every one who seeks to prevent his enjoyment of liberty..." and "It may be ... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Corbett's short-lived newspaper...

Item #699029

April 25, 1797

PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE, Philadelphia, April 26, 1797  The front page includes a: "Two Dollars Reward" ad for a runaway indented servant girl, with details. Pages 2 and 3 have reports on the Napoleonic War including a letter signed in type: Buonaparte, which includes: "I shall send you immediately the ten standards which we have taken from the Pope in the different actions we h... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Revival of the Southern slave trade?

Item #699024

March 06, 1858

NEW YORK HERALD, March 6, 1858  Page 4 has an article headed: "Revival of the African Slave Trade in the Southern States". The article includes: "Some of our n****r worshiping contemporaries have started off upon a new scent. A bill has been passed by the Louisiana House...authorizing the importation into that state of voluntary negro apprentices to labor for a term of years &a... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Battle of Shiloh maps and a map of Yorktown, plus more...

Item #699014

April 10, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 10, 1862  The front page is dominated by a rather large Civil War map headed: "The Position Before Yorktown" with much detail. One column heads on the front page include: "The War For The Union" "Gen. Hunter's Dept." "Emancipation In The District" "From Fortress Monroe" "The Attack Upon Yorktown" "Det... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Jesse Owens wins his first gold medal at the Berlin Olympics...

Item #699012

August 03, 1936

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Aug. 3, 1936  The bottom half of the front page has a one column head: "Jesse Owens Winner of 100 Meter Final", the text beginning: "Jesse Owens, Ohio State Negro sprinter, won the Olympic 100 meter championship today. It was the Buckeye bullet's first triumph in his try for three Olympic gold medals..." with more.

Complete in 12 ... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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One of the less common titles from antebellum Florida...

Item #698998

October 20, 1841

STAR OF FLORIDA, Tallahassee, Middle Florida, Oct. 20, 1841 We have had a few titles from Florida before the Civil War, but this is more rare than the others. Various news & ads of the day. The back page has an illustrated runaway slave ad.

Four pages, rejoined at the spine, very nice condition.

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Sherman's report on the Atlanta campaign...

Item #698997

October 20, 1864

THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Oct. 20, 1864  Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "Important From Hood--Our Army on the Outskirts of Chattanooga" "Successful Skirmishing In Florida" "Yankee Reports from Louisiana" "From the Trans-Mississippi" "The Yankee Prisoners at Florence" "From the Georgia Front" "Sh... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Confederate newspaper from Grenada, Mississippi...

Item #698990

September 19, 1862

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Grenada, Mississippi, Sept. 19, 1862  If the title and city of publication seem to disagree, they do not. This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War. Memphis was a Confederate stronghold up through the Battle of Memphis on June 6, 1862, at which time the Yankees moved in and it became a Yankee city. Being a strong voice for the Confederacy, the &qu... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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First African-American to serve in the House of Representatives...

Item #698905

December 19, 1870

THE CIRCULAR, Oneida Community (New York), Dec. 19, 1870 

* Joseph Rainey

Near the top of the back page is a brief yet very significant report. It reads: "Joseph H. Rainey, a colored man, has taken his seat in the House of Representatives as the member elect from the 4th District of South Carolina."

Joseph Rainey was the very first African American to serve in the House of Re... See More  

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John Menard, African-American congressman from Louisiana...

Item #698899

January 23, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1869  The full front page is a print of: "The Harp Girl." Inside is a one-third page print of: "Hon. William Claflin, Governor of Massachusetts" plus a half page print: "The Fur Trapper"; a quarter page print of: "Hon. John W. Menard, Colored Congressman from Louisiana" with a small accompanying article. 

... See More  

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Flight 421 airplane disaster... Jackie Robinson hits for the cycle...

Item #698849

August 30, 1948

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 30, 1948 

* Northwest Airlines Flight 421 disaster 

* Winona, Minnesota 

* Jackie Robinson hits for the cycle

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Plane Crashes in Midwest; All 36 on Board Are Killed" with subhead. (see images) Report continues on page 8 with related map.

Page 21 is a 7 column headline that reads: &... See More  

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Jesse Owens wins gold at the Berlin Olympics...

Item #698785

August 06, 1936


* Jesse Owens victories - 200 meter gold

* Olympic games in Berlin Germany

The front page of the sports section has a great wire photo of Jesse Owens crossing the finish line in the 200 meters with banner head: "JESSE OWENS MAKES IT A GRAND SLAM!" More on page 25 with head: "Negro Wins Sit Sourly With Nazis" Jesse Owens... See More  

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President Jefferson Davis addresses his Congress...

Item #698738

November 08, 1864

THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Nov. 8, 1864

* Confederate president Jefferson Davis

* Rare title from the origin of the Civil War

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "Glorious Achievements of Forrest's Horse Marines" "Yankee Army News" "The Tennessee Valley Campaign" "The President's Message" in which he presents to his... See More  

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Full page Winslow Homer print... Custer and the Indians...

Item #698675

January 16, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 16, 1869  The prime print would be the full page by famed artist Winslow Homer: "Winter At Sea--Taking in Sail Off The Coast" with a related article. This print is in great condition.

The front page shows: "Winter Sports--Ice Boats on the Hudson" and; "Destructive Conflagration at Lynn, Massachusetts".

Among other prints... See More  

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Corbett's short-lived newspaper...

Item #698638

April 25, 1797

PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE, Philadelphia, April 25, 1797  

* Rare 18th century American publication

The front page has a: "Two Dollars Reward" ad for a runaway servant girl, with details. Also: "General Orders" from the Commander in Chief of the troops of the United States beginning: "All absent officers, with exception to those on the recruiting service, under ord... See More  

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On the Bowley-Jones political feud in South Carolina...

Item #698618

August 21, 1874

RICHMOND DAILY WHIG, Virginia, Aug. 21, 1874  Page 2 has a report concerning the Bowley-Jones feud within the Republican party of South Carolina. Both are African-Americans. Much can be found about them on Wikipedia. James Bowley had escaped slavery in Maryland with the help of Harriet Tubman.

"The Negro Quarrel At Georgetown, South Carolina" begins: "The disturbances at Georg... See More  

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Detailed account of the capture of a slave ship...

Item #698612

June 27, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 27, 1856

* Pre Civil War slavery

* African slave trade

* Capture of a slaver ship

 Page 7 has: "The New York Slave Trade - Seizure & Condemnation of the General Pierce" with the lengthy article providing much detail on the capture of the slave ship.

Also: "From Fort Kearny" has a report on a skirmish with Cheyenne Indians.

Eight pages, ... See More  

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Memphis newspaper printed in Atlanta...

Item #698584

January 15, 1864

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Atlanta, Georgia, January 15, 1864 

* Very Rare Confederate title from the "traveling" newspaper

* Memphis newspaper printed in Atlanta, Georgia

If the title and city of publication seem to be in conflict, they are not. This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War--see the information at the bottom of this listing.

Among the front p... See More  

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Generals Beauregard and Forrest...

Item #698580

October 01, 1864

THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Oct. 1, 1864

* Rare Confederate publication

* Origin of the American Civil Wa

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "Forrest Again Successful" "General Beauregard, Again" "Reconstruction & Subjugation One and the Same" "Affairs on the Mississippi" "News From the Far West" and more.

C... See More  

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A letter from Horatio Nelson...

Item #698550

November 21, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov 21, 1795 

* Lord Horatio Nelson letter

* re. Royal Navy encounters

Page 2 has a letter signed in type by the famous: Horatio Nelson, concerning recent naval events.

The back page begins with a poem titled: "Negro's Prayer".

Four pages, some foxing, good condition.

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From the deep South with slave related ads...

Item #698497

September 08, 1854

THE NEW ORLEANS DAILY DELTA, Louisiana, Sept. 8, 1854

* Rare antebellum publication

* 9 illustrated slaves related advertisements

* From the deep South

News of the day with several advertisements including 13 illustrated steamboat ads on the front page. Page 2 has four slavery related ads. And five more on the back page. (see)

Four pages, minor margin wear, generally nice.... See More  

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Winslow Homer print: "On The Beach at Long Branch--The Children's Hour"...

Item #698447

August 15, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 15, 1874

* Famous Winslow Homer print

The front page features a print: "Scandal" with a related article.

The prime print in this issue is certainly the very nice full page by noted artist Winslow Homer, titled: "On The Beach at Long Branch--The Children's Hour". But other prints within this issue include a half page: "A Negr... See More  

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Winslow Homer print... Wall Street...

Item #698444

January 11, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 11, 1868 

* Winslow Homer illustration - print

Great full front page print: "The Pioneer" is by A. R. Ward. The feature print of this issue would be the nice, full page by the famed artist Winslow Homer: "Art Students & Copyists in the Louvre Gallery". This print is in very nice, clean condition.

A half-page print: "Th... See More  

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1859 Pike's Peak Gold Mining as a marketing ploy...

Item #698426

March 22, 1859

THE NORWALK EXPERIMENT, Huron County, Ohio, March 22, 1859

* Pike's Peak Gold Mining as an advertising hook

* Who should go to Pike's Peak

* Easier for negros in Massachusetts than foreigners (?)

The back page has a bold ad which appears to be seeking workers for the Pike Peak Gold Mines, but upon further inspection, the ad is actually for A. H. ROSE & CO's Store. However, ... See More  

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Celebrations: Gettysburg... Negroes in Washington... Williamsburg... Society of the Cincinatti...

Item #698419

July 05, 1865

THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 5, 1865 

* Cornerstone laid for the Gettysburg monument 

* The Negro Celebration in Washington, D.C.

* Much on the Society of the Cincinatti

Page 5 has: "Gettysburg", "The Celebration Yesterday on the Great Battle Field", "General Howard's Tribute to the Veterans", "Miles O'Reilly's Poem of the Day and Plac... See More  

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Illustrated ship ads and slave-related ads...

Item #698401

May 17, 1796

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, May 19, 1796  The front page is entirely taken up with advertisements including 17 illustrated ship ads. The back page has no fewer than 4 slave-related ads, including: "For Sale, A Healthy Negro Girl..." and: "For Sale, A Negro Woman..." all with details.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Niles' eight essays on the "Mitigation of Slavery"...

Item #698392

May 08, 1819

NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore (8-issue set)

* The "Mitigation of Slavery" - 8 issues
* Serialized essay by Hezekiah Niles'

* His plan to abolish slavery in America

 A set of 8 issues which contain all eight essays by publisher Hezekiah Niles titled the: "Mitigation of Slavery" in which he puts forth five propositions to that end.

The issues ar... See More  

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Black soldiers in the military... focus on Louisiana...

Item #698362

March 07, 1863

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1863  The front page has a large print showing Black soldiers captioned: "Pickets of the First Louisiana 'Native Guard' Guarding the New Orleans...Railroad" with a related article, plus: "The Old Slave Laws".

The back page has the illustration: "A Queer Rencontre", which shows a black soldier being ... See More  

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Fascinating slave case...

Item #698335

April 09, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 9, 1856  Page 5 has: "An Interesting Slave Case" concerning: "...a young colored woman & her children claimed as slaves..." and what follows are the details of a very fascinating case.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

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Illustrated ship ads and slave-related ads...

Item #698166

May 17, 1796

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, May 17, 1796  The front page is entirely taken up with advertisements including 20 illustrated ship ads. Pages within contain no fewer than 4 slave-related ads, including: "For Sale, A Likely Negro Man" with details.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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A wealth of content on the John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry...

Item #698120

November 22, 1859

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 22, 1859  

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia - John E. Cook

The front page has some nice coverage of the Harper's Ferry insurrection led by John Brown. Column heads include: "New Trial for Brown Refused" "Harper's Ferry Alarms & Rumors" "Special to the Alex... See More  

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Capture of a slave ship...

Item #698110

January 12, 1854

DAILY OHIO STATESMAN, Columbus, Jan. 12, 1854 

* H.N. Ganbrill schooner

* Slaver - slave ship captured

* USS Constitution's last prize

Page 3 has: "The Slaver Gambrill--The Recent Seizure of a Slaver on the Coast of Africa" which includes: "...it was found that the slave deck had all been laid...a large quantity of water & slave provisions, sufficient  to s... See More  

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On Robert E. Lee as commander-in-chief...

Item #698099

January 05, 1865

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 5, 1865 

* General Robert E. Lee becomes commander in chief

* Rare Confederate title from the rebel capital & slave state

Not just a nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy, but one from near the end of the Civil War.

The front page has: "The War News" with various items & including near the end: "...that Lincoln was ... See More  

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Secret societies... Free Masons... Illuminati... numismatics...

Item #698017
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1798 

*  Secret Societies, Freemasons, the Illuminati, and more!

*  Provincial Half-Pennies (essay part II)...  mention of Thomas Spence

The prominent feature of this issue would be the nearly 9 pages dedicated to the review of a new publication" "Proofs of Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of E... See More  

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An American Dilemma, by Gunnar Myrdal - Revisited in 1963...

Item #697927

April 21, 1963

THE NEW YORK TIMES (Book Review), April 21, 1963

* "An American Dilemma", by Gunnar Myrdal

* Book Review from The New York Times

* A revisit of this classic work nearly 20 years prior

The cover has: "A BOOK THAT CHANGED AMERICAN LIFE", subhead: "A Revisit to a Classic Work on U.S. Negroes Reminds Us of Progress Made and Yet to Come", and includes a large image... See More  

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Jesse Owens continues to win at the Berlin Olympics...

Item #697911

August 05, 1936


* Jesse Owens shines in track & field

* Olympic games in Berlin Germany

* In front of 
Adolf Hitler & Third Reich

The front page of the sports section (page 19) has a nice headline: "OWENS WINS 2D OLYMPIC TITLE; SETS TWO RECORDS" with subhead: "U. S. Captures 3 More Events; Increases Lead". This same page has ... See More  

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Jefferson Davis' speech in Columbia...

Item #697904

October 07, 1864

THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Oct. 7, 1864 

* Rare Confederate publication

* Origin of the American Civil War

* Jefferson Davis speech

* Columbia, South Carolina

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "President Davis in Columbia" "The President's Speech in Columbia" which is quite lengthy; "The Successes of Forrest" "Highl... See More  

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Liberal governor of Missouri and the women's rights movement...

Item #697855

February 15, 1871

THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN, New York, Feb. 15, 1871  Page 2 has: "Gratz Brown In Trouble - A Woman's Rights Delegation Surrounding Him - The Great Liberal Fights Shy of the Movement..." with more.

Also: "A Slave Trader's $40,000" "The Trouble at West Point" "The Great Postal Fraud" and more.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition.... See More  

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Emancipation remembered...

Item #697831

January 04, 1902

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 4, 1902 (reduced price - see below re: condition)  Frontpage photo "A Memory of Emancipation Day"; Ice Hockey and Its Players; a colored print "Jan Kubelik - The Bohemian Violinist Now Touring The United States"; a page of photos of Marconi's Latest Experiments in Wireless Telegraphy; a page of photos Winners at the First annual Sow ... See More  

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"The North Star" becomes "Frederick Douglass' Paper"...

Item #697755

May 20, 1852

FREDERICK DOUGLASS' PAPER, Rochester, New York, May 20, 1852 

* Extremely rare publication

We are pleased to offer this exceedingly rare--and highly desirable--newspaper by the famed Frederick Douglass. This weekly title is the continuation of his newspaper "North Star" which began in 1847.

Much of page 2 is taken up with: "The Annual Meeting of the American Anti-Sl
... See More  

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1968 Fort Hood 43 Negro soldiers protest...

Item #697686

August 25, 1968

SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Aug. 25, 1968

* Fort Hood 43 - Negro soldiers protest

* Democratic National Convention

* Chicago, Illinois - Killeen, Texas

Page 10 has a three column heading: "43 Negro Soldiers at Ft. Hood Face Court Martial for Protest" (see images)

Complete with 50+ pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.

wikipedia notes: After Ma... See More  

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Black soldiers in the military... focus on Louisiana...

Item #697665

March 07, 1863

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1863  The front page has a large print showing Black soldiers captioned: "Pickets of the First Louisiana 'Native Guard' Guarding the New Orleans...Railroad" with a related article, plus: "The Old Slave Laws".

The back page has the illustration: "A Queer Rencontre", which shows a black soldier being ... See More  

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News from Hood's operations...

Item #697662

October 19, 1864

THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Oct. 19, 1864

* Rare Confederate publication

* Origin of the American Civil War

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "The News of Hood's Operations" "Letter from Richmond" "From the Valley - Camp near New Market" "Interesting from the North" "Mobile and Charleston" and more.

Some war... See More  

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