Web Results (1190)


Item #221099

April 27, 1827

Unknown Title dated April 27, 1827.  (print only)

The is a advertisement print for the New-York Goose and Gridiron Refectory, No. 7 Park. The print size is approximately 2.5 x 2.75 inches and the overall matted size approximately is 6.5 x 6.75 inches. The matting color is a medium shade of green/grey color.

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Item #221097

January 01, 1922

Unknown Title, 1922.  (print only)

The is a advertisement print for Standard Plumbing Fixtures. The print size is approximately 6.25 x 9.5 inches. See photo for details

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Item #221096

January 01, 1923

Unknown Title, 1923.  (print only)

The is a advertisement print for Standard Plumbing Fixtures. The print size is approximately 6.25 x 9.5 inches. See photo for details

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Item #221092

January 08, 1825

Baltimore Patriot and Mercantile Advertiser, Baltimore, MD, January 8, 1825.  (print only)

The is a advertisement print for a coach line and steam boat and also features the paper's masthead information. The print size is approximately 2.25 x 5.5 inches and the overall matted size approximately is 7.25 x 10.5 inches. The matting color is a medium shade of green/grey color.... See More  

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Raid Near Harper's Ferry...

Item #221030

July 02, 1864

THE DAILY SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN,   Springfield, Massachusetts, dated July 2, 1864.

* Raid Near Harper's Ferry

* The Battle of Lost Mountain

This is an authentic Civil War era issue containing many advertisements and Civil War reports from the day it was first reported.  Some of the headings/reports include:  "Raid Near Harper's Ferry", "An Important Raid by General Wilson",
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Farming related newspaper....

Item #220711

October 07, 1865



* 1865 farming related periodical

Described in the masthead as: A Journal Devoted toAgriculture, Horticulture, Art, Science, Some Literature, Markets & Current News. Back page lecture by Henry Ward Beecher: On Hell & Future Punishment. Tabloid-size, 8 pages, good condition. Uncut.
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Napoleon Bonaparte treaty...

Item #220235

December 18, 1809

BOSTON GAZETTE, Dec. 18, 1809.


* Napoleon Bonaparte treaty of peace

* Austria & France

On page 2 under Definitive Treaty of Peace is the text of a treaty between Austria and France, signed in type: Napoleon. Other news of the day includes: "Affairs Of Spain" "Congress" and more. Lower half of the spine has numerous tears and is very tattered , lower margin is tat
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Superintendent of Scavengers....

Item #220048

July 27, 1805

NEW-YORK HERALD, New York, July 27, 1805


* Superintendent of Scavengers

* Oysters

Page 3 has a municipal item: A Law for the amendment of the law for the appointment of a Superintendent of Scavengers. Concerned the possession or sale of oysters in the city from June thru September. Other news of the day. Area of foxing in unrelated content, otherwise in good condition.
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Verde Antique discovery in 1825...

Item #219976

July 01, 1825


* Verde Antique discovery

* West Chester New York

A page 3 report says: A quarry of green marble has been discovered at West-Chester, N.Y. , in digging for the foundations of the State Prison...it resembles the celebrated Verde Antique...& the quarry appears to be very extensive. Other news of the day (mostly religious). 4 pages
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Capital of Maine in 1822.....

Item #219975

November 16, 1822

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 16, 1822.


* Capital of Maine location ?

* Early 19th century periodical

A front page report under Capital of Maine says: A committee of the Legislature of Maine...have recently visited Portland, Brunswick and Hallowell, for the purpose of designating a central and suitable place for the permanent seat of government. Other news of the day
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1822 James Monroe...

Item #219965

August 26, 1822


* James Monroe Naval act

* 19th century Concord New Hampshire

The front page has: An Act making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States for the year 1822..., signed in type: James Monroe. Two other acts also signed in type by Monroe. Other news of the day includes: "Election !" "Cru
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DeWitt Clinton...

Item #219906

February 23, 1802


* DeWitt Clinton

* Senate
A page 3 item says: "DeWitt Clinton, is appointed a member of the Senate...for the State of New York. A report states that the Chemical Society of Philadelphia has offered a medal for the best specimen of clay in the U.S. to be ...fit for the manufacture of potters ware....superior to...queens w
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Uncommon title from Washington DC...

Item #219730

December 09, 1876

THE DAILY CRITIC, Washington, Dec. 9, 1876.

* Uncommon title

Has bits of news, topical items and numerous ads. Some headlines include: "Burying of the Victims of the Brooklyn Fire" "Congress Yesterday" and more. An uncommon title. A few minor edge tears and slighly browned.

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1874 Chicago, Illinois...

Item #219697

December 19, 1874

INDUSTRIAL AGE, Chicago, Dec. 19, 1874.


* Uncommon Title from Chicago, Illinois

Mostly topical reports, a few literary items and some ads. A volume II issue of this uncommon title. Some of the headlines include: "On Invention" "Chippawa Falls & Eau Claire Railroad" and much more. A few minor edge tears.
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Henry Rowe Schoolcraft....

Item #219472

October 14, 1837

THE NEW-YORKER, N.Y., Oct. 14, 1837.


* Henry Rowe Schoolcraft

* "The Birchen Canoe"
The fourth page has a poem: The Birchen Canoe--By H. R. Schoolcraft. Other literary and news items throughout. Quarto-size, 16 pages, A few foxing spots in the text of the poem, other occasional foxing.
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Goose and Gridiron in 1827

Item #219430

May 04, 1827



* Goose and Gridiron

A page 3 notice for The New-York Goose and Gridiron Refectory states that the owner has returned to his old stand and is ready to serve the public. Includes a small engraving of a goose on a flatiron. News of the day includes: "Police" "Virginia Elections" and more. Some edge wear, foxing spot in unrelated content, otherwise in g
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Anthracite Coal mine discovery in 1833....

Item #219424

September 19, 1833

EVENING POST, N.Y., Sept. 19, 1833.


* Anthracite Coal discovered in Virginia

A page 3 report begins: A mine of Anthracite Coal of a very superior quality, has lately been discovered in the western section of Berkeley county, Virginia. A bit more about the quality, and the potential size of this deposit. "The Next President" "From The Pacific" and more. 4 pages in good condition.
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Whipping Post in 1868....

Item #219389

December 07, 1868

NEW-YORK TIMES, Dec. 7, 1868.


* The whipping post
- Flagellation

The back page has a detailed report: The Whipping Post Another Revolting Exhibition at New Castle, Del.--Two Men Pilloried and Three Flogged--Public Opinion in the State Regarding the Law. Other news of the day includes: "Georgia" "The Preisdent's Message" "The Union Pacific Railroad" and much more. Minor printin
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Uncommon title - Churchman in 1839....

Item #219387

December 21, 1839

THE CHURCHMAN, N.Y., Dec. 21, 1839.


* Uncommon title

As the name implies, contains mostly religious-related news and content. Second leaf has a narrow piece missing in the outer margin, front page has an area of lite dirtiness and a bit of lite fold rubbing, archival mends to two minor fold tears, some lite foxing.
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Princeton College in 1833....

Item #219375

November 16, 1833

EVENING POST, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1833.


* Andrew Jackson

* Princeton university

An item on page 2 says: President Jackson has presented to Princeton College, for its museum, a collection of insects from South America, which is...very valuable, and as adding considerably to the interest of the entomological department. Other news of the day includes: "Italian Opera" "Latest From M
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Chesapeake & Ohio Canal in 1840...

Item #219370

April 07, 1840

THE GLOBE, Washington, April 7, 1840  On the front page under Chesapeake And Ohio Canal are two resolves passed by the president and directors of the C & O Canal Company, plus the Report Of The Chief Engineer of the company. Other news of the day throughout. 4 pages in good condition.

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Sir Walter Scott...

Item #219361

November 26, 1832


* Sir Walter Scott's Biography

* Scottish Novalist
Taking much of pages 2 and 3 is: Some Account Of The Life And Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Other news of the day includes: "Kentucky Election" "Georgia Convention" and more. An uncommon title. 4 pages in good condition.
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Roosevelts Anti-Strike Veto Overridden...

Item #219086

June 26, 1943

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS: Detroit, Michigan.  This issue is dated June 26, 1943.
The front page banner headline of this issue reads, "Anti-Strike Veto Overridden: Roosevelt Dealt a Swift Rebuke."
Other content in this issue includes, "Flying Forts Batter Nazis; 18 Are Lost," and "CIO Sees No-Strike Pledge No Longer Binding."
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Children's periodical in 1898....

Item #218391

July 31, 1898

LESSON FOR THE LITTLE ONES, Dayton, Ohio, July 31, 1898.


* 19th century Children's periodical

Has Sunday school-related content for youngsters, plus a few illustrations. Quarto-size, 4 pgs., small hole at the fold juncture, lite fold creases, lite wear. 4 pages.

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Uncommon Political Title from 1835...

Item #218163

January 08, 1835

REGISTER OF DEBATES, Washington, Jan. 8, 1835.


* Uncommon political title from 19th century Washington D.C.

An ocatavo-size publication containing debates from both Houses of Congress, published by Duff Green. Has 30 pages. First leaf has some loss in the upper left corner, small hole near the dateline, has an inked library stamp in the upper right corner. Uncommon title.
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Item #218097

October 24, 1862


* Frederick Maryland

* Guerrilla John Morgan

* Sabine City, Texas

The front page has several one column war heads including: "From the Army of the Potomac", "A Successful Expedition to Loudon County, Virginia", "The Rebel Occupation of Martinsburg", "The War in Kentucky & Tennessee", "R
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1840 Washington D.C....

Item #217957

January 11, 1840

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, Jan. 11, 1840.


* Uncommon title

* New Year's song

Front page has lyrics: The Hero Of The Thames Song Written For The Celebration Of New Years Eve, By The Unionist And Others. Also has an Extract From An Address Delivered by Gen. Harrison, at Vincennes, Ind. To Gen. Willam Harrison" "Dissolution Of The Vsn Buren Party" and more. 4 pages in nice condit
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Cigars - Tobacco Trade in 1823....

Item #217788

February 25, 1823



* early tobacco trade in America

* cigars imported 

* Uncommon Hartford Connecticut title

Page 3 has a report: Segars.--12,478,000 were imported last year. The domestic manufacture, from foreign tobacco, was of much greater amount. The consumption of all sorts, may be about fifty millions a year. Other news of the day includes: "L
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Item #217784

November 07, 1864

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Nov. 7, 1864  The ftpg. has many Civil War one column headlines including: "Another Union Victory" "Recapture of Plymouth, N.C." "Rebel Forts All Silenced" "Henry S. Foote on Peace" "Hood Reported Across the Tennessee" "The War in North Alabama" "Latest from the Shenandoah Valley" "Speculations on Hood's Movements" and other small heads scattered throughout the fron... See More  

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Uncommon Illustrated 1863 Periodical....

Item #217700

January 10, 1863

THE LEISURE HOUR, London, Jan. 10, 1863.


* Uncommon title

* Illustrations

Mostly literary-related content, but also some topical items, plus a large front page  illustration and more inisde. Uncommon title. Has an ornate masthead.4to-size, 16 pages in nice condition.

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Flathead Indians poem in 1833...

Item #217632

August 02, 1833



* Flathead Indians poem

The back page has a poem: "The Flat-Head Indians". By Miss E. Powers. Other topic of the day. Some fold foxing, otherwise in nice condition. 4 pages.

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Early Midwest prairies report...

Item #217618

July 01, 1820

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, July 1, 1820


* Early prairies of the Midwest report - Farmland fertile\

On page 3 under The Prairies Of The West is report describing the barren aspects of the prairies, but also mentions that the soil is extremely fertile. Other news of the day includes: "Debate On The Missouri Bill (Lengthy)" "Spain" and more. 4 pages in
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Thomas Jefferson in 1808....

Item #217564

August 30, 1808

THE BALANCE, Hudson, New York, Aug. 30, 1808


* Thomas Jefferson

* USS Chesapeake winning prizes

Page 3 brief commentary: Mr. Jeffersons war against the United States, says a remarker, is carrying on very successfully. The Chesapeake, which has been but a few days on a cruise, has already sent in six or eight prizes. Some other news as well. Quarto-size, 4 pages in nice condit
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Cumberland Road Bill in 1822....

Item #217485

May 15, 1822

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 15, 1822.


* Cumberland Road Bill for tolls vetoed

On the front page under Cumberland Road Bill is word that the President returned the bill for erecting toll gates on the Cumberland Road, his reason being ...that the Constitution does not authorize Congress to pass a bill of this kind.... Says that the Congress voted in the negative to override
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National Govenrement in St. Louis, Missouri ?

Item #217448

August 16, 1869

NEW-YORK TIMES, Aug. 16, 1869.


* St. Louis, Missouri as our National Capital for convention?
*Gettysburg 1869

Page 5 has an interesting report: The National Capital The Agitation for its Removal to St. Louis--Call For a National Convention. Other news of the day includes: "Railroad Accidents" "Gettysburg" "The Savannah Base-ball Club in Charleston S.C." and much more. 8 pages in goo
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DeWitt Cinton Proclamation...

Item #217348

December 27, 1806



* New York City

* Dewitt Clinton Proclamation

Page 3 has a Proclamation issued by the Mayor of New York offering a reward for the apprehension of the disorderly persons who insulted the Congregations of the Roman Catholic Church in the city and violated the public peace which resulted in the death of a watchman, signed in type: DeWitt Clinton. O
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Trade on the Mississippi...

Item #217291

July 04, 1839

THE ATLAS, Boston, July 4, 1839.


* Shipping trade on the Mississippi River
* St. Louis 1839

Page 2 has a report about the Trade of St. Louis says that 105 different boats Traded at the wharf this season, and that 86 are regular traders. Lists the number of regular trader boats from various ports like Pittsburg, New Orleans, Galena, the Missouri and Illinois Rivers and Nashville. Oth
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1909 Keene New Hampshire....

Item #216903

August 20, 1909

CHESHIRE REPUBLICAN, Keene, New Hampshire, August 20, 1909.

* Early 20th Century Keene New Hampshire

* 1909

Ths 4 page newspaper has literary related items, new of the day and some interesting advertisements. This is a large sized newspaper as seen in the photos. Some of the news includes: "A Storm At Sea" "New Coal Pocket" "The Humane Society" and much more. Some wear at the fo
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Boston Advertisement Extra

Item #216173

May 25, 1809



* Advertisement Extra !

A folio-size singlesheet containing mostly ads and notices. A bit irregular at the spine, occasional foxing.

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Saturday Evening Courier....

Item #215770

March 29, 1862


* New York, New York
* 1862

An uncommon title with mostly literary-related content, some topical reports, bits of news, and ads. Folio-size, 8 pages, has a large stain in the masthead, ftpg. has dirtiness in the upper left quarter, some margin tears.
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1809 John Quincy Adams dinner....

Item #215482

July 27, 1809

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 27, 1809. 

* John Quincy Adams dinner tribute
* New Orleans

On page 3 under Tribute Of Respect are details about a public dinner for John Quincy Adams prior to his departure to Russia, plus his reply signed in type: John Quincy Adams. Other news of the day includes: "New Orleans Address" "British regulation of American trade" and
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Early Tightrope Walking Ad 1827...

Item #215438

November 10, 1827

NATIONAL JOURNAL, Washington, Nov. 10, 1827.

* Early tightrope walking (funambulism) ad

* Mr. Villalave

Page 3 has a notice for a performance by Mr. Villalave and Company at the Washington Theatre. Has details about the performances, plus a woodcut of a tight rope walker doing a juggling routine. News of the day includes: "The Presidency" "Pennsylvania" "Important From Ver
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Henry W. Longfellow Poem 1849....

Item #215386

May 04, 1849

SALEM GAZETTE, Salem, Mass., May 4, 1849.

* Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

* Front Page Poem
The front page has a poem: Resignation. By Henry W. Longfellow. News of the day includes: "Kentucky Emancipation Convention" "Cholera at New Orleans" "California Emigrants" and much more. Interesting advertisements as well. First leaf is trimmed close at t
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1828 Religion....

Item #215146

January 02, 1828

ZIONS HERALD, Boston, Jan. 2, 1828.

* Carrier's Address
* 1828

Back page has a poem: "New Years Address To The Patrons Of Zions Herald". Mostly Religious content throughout. Scattered foxing spots. 4 pages in good condition.

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Ransom Cook On Convicts In 1843...

Item #215056

February 04, 1843

NEW YORK STATE MECHANIC, Albany, Feb. 4, 1843.


* Ransom Cook

* The Employment of Convicts

Mr. Cook's Report On The Employment Of Convicts takes all of the front page, and all of pages 2 and 3, signed in type: Ransom Cook.

Other topics include: "The Piano Forte" "Discovery Of Coal In New York" "Self Made Men" and more. Quarto-size, 8 pages, subscribers name written in the left
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1829 Rare Title....

Item #215043

May 27, 1829

THE SOUVENIR, Phila., May 27, 1829.

* Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
* 1829

Inside has a Soliloquy Of A Drunkard's Wife. Other various topics such as: "The Menageries" "Cinnamon Fields Of Ceylon" and more. Quarto-size , 8 pages, has areas of lite staining, with some in this content, otherwise in good condition.
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Item #214413

January 01, 1883

GOLDEN DAYS, Philadelphia, PA, 1883. "For Boys and Girls". See the photo below for an example of this title from our archives containing light reading for children. Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have these specific photos or be of this specific date-but will have the format as shown. Even browning. 14x11 inches, 16 pages.

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Mobile AL 1863 Civil War...

Item #213980

August 07, 1863

BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT from Boston, MA and dated August 7, 1863.

* Vicksburg
* Fortress Monroe

This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes r

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Knoxville, Tennessee 1863 Civil War...

Item #213974

August 22, 1863

BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT, Massachusetts, August 22, 1863

* Knoxville, Tennessee

* Jefferson Davis
This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes reports on: Knoxvil
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Rio Grande Texas 1863 Civil War...

Item #213962

October 26, 1863

BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT from Boston, Massachusetts and dated October 26, 1863. 

* Fortress Monroe
* CHattanooga, Tennessee
* Rebel Pirates
* General Meade

This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements
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