Web Results (3963)



Great CW-themed illustrations...

A single issue Harper's Weekly from 1862 - during the Civil War...

Item #588626

January 01, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January, 1862 - December, 1862

* the most recognized illustrated newspaper of the Civil War

* several illustrated prints (suitable for framing)

* discounted by 50% (or more)

You will receive an original issue from this famous illustrated newspaper, dated somewhere from January, 1862 through December, 1862, offered at a substantial discount (a minimum of 50% o... See More  

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Bedford Pennsylvania & Madison Indiana in 1854...

Item #587336

July 08, 1854

GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, Boston, July 8, 1854 

* Bedford Pennsylvania 

* Lake George New York 

* Madison Indiana 

This title was formatted much like the more popular "Harper's Weekly" being tabloid-size with several pages of prints. This title actually precedes Harper's, which did not begin publication until 1857. Within th
... See More  

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Scarce illustrated newspaper...

Item #585825

May 13, 1890

ONCE A WEEK, New York, May 13, 1890 

* Uncommon illustrated title

A newspaper much like Harper's Weekly but reasonably more scarce. Among the prints within are a doublepg. centerfold of: "Mr. J. W. Mackay", a two-thirds pg. print: "Trout, & the Fishers Thereof", a full pg. montage of: "The Brooklyn Navy Yard" & more.

This issue is complete wi... See More  

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Massive print of the 1862 International Exhibition...

Item #584596

October 04, 1862

SUPPLEMENT TO THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Oct. 4, 1862  This is an extremely large foldout print showing the; "Sectional View Of The Nave" of the Exhibition of 1862, as well as the "Sectional View Of The Eastern Transept". This print folds out to measure 31 1/2 by 43 1/2 inches and is in excellent condition. Typically such large foldouts are damaged due to consta... See More  

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1872 Hop picking print...

Item #584248

September 14, 1872

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Sept. 14, 1872  Inside has a full page print of: "Hop Picking in Germany" which is a nice wine related print. Also: "Dunrobin Castle..." and various prints from "Ghent" among other prints. The complete issue, great condition.

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Huge eagle engraving in the masthead...

Item #583878
GLEASON'S LITERARY COMPANION, Boston, 1863  Obviously a literary publication from the Civil War era, the prime feature being the huge eagle engraving in the masthead, with a wingspan of 7 inches. There are a few illustrations within, mostly being text. Sixteen pages, 11 by 15 inches, great condition.

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1877 prints....

Item #583264

July 21, 1877

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, July 21, 1877  The full front page shows: "A Tramp's Morning Abutions--An Early Morning Scene in Madison Square" with more on this topic inside. Other prints: "...Three Days in the City of Chicago" "Celebration of the 4th of July at Woodstock" and more. Sixteen pages, never bound nor trimmed, a few minor archival mend... See More  

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The Bell Tower at Westminster...

Item #582625

February 02, 1856

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, February 2, 1856  Noteworthy content within this issue includes a small print of the new Bell Tower at the new Palace at Westminster, with supporting text.  other prints include:  "Balaclava Heights", "State Procession Of Her Majesty To Open Parliament" (being a doublepage print), "Wreck of the George Lord", "The P... See More  

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The Westminster Clock Bell...

Item #582624

September 13, 1856

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, September 13, 1856  Among the noteworthy items within this issue is the 4 x 5 inch print of the new Westminster Clock Bell (of Big Ben fame), with supporting text (see images).  Other prints include:  "The American Steamship Arctic", the emperor and empress of Russia, "Gloucester Cathedral", a State Carriage, and more (see images... See More  

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1861 unique Civil War era set...

Item #582460
This is a unique three-issue set of authentic Civil War newspapers from the 1st year of the war.  Included are one each of the following:

* The New York Herald

* Harper's Weekly Illustrated

* The Circular

The New York Herald was known for excellent war reporting, the Harper's Weekly contains outstanding Civil War related prints (many suitable for framing), and The Circular (On... See More  

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Frontier life and Sporting scenes in America...

Item #581616

March 27, 1858

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, March 27, 1858 The front page of the issue contains a large illustration "The East Gate - Canton". Within the issue is: "The New Ministry"; "Expedition to the Andaman Islands"; "Cultivation of Arrow-Root at D'Urban, Port Natal"; "Frontier Life in America" and "Sporting Scenes in America". Other il... See More  

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Elephants from Calcutta... The Royal Wedding...

Item #581614

February 20, 1858

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, February 20, 1858  The front page of the this issue features a halfpage illustration "The Royal Bridal Tour - The Prince and Princess Frederick William at the Window the King's Palace, Potsdam". Within the issue is: "Effects of the Late Earthquake in Naples"; "The Bridal Tour - Arrival of the Prince and Princess Frederick Will... See More  

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Tightrope walking...

Item #581435

August 24, 1861

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, August 24, 1861  The front page features a half-page illustrations "The British Archaeological Association at Exeter: West Screen of Exeter Cathedral". Within the issue is "The Pneumatic Despatch"; "Cape Race, Newfoundland, The Termination of the American System of Telegraphs"; "The Female Blondin Crossing the Thames fro... See More  

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Troops reviewed by President Lincoln...

Item #581429

August 03, 1861

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, August 3, 1861  The front page of the issue features a half-page illustration "The Archaeological Institute of Great Britain at Peterborough: Entrance to the Nave of the Cathedral". Within the issue is "Prize Dogs at the Leeds Show"; "Review of Federal Troops by President Lincoln and General Scott" which includes a full page ... See More  

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The Battle of the Alma...

Item #581391

October 14, 1854

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, October 14, 1854 The front page begins the coverage on "The Battle of the Alma" with an "Official List of  Killed and Wounded" inside as well as numerous illustrations. The front page includes a large illustration of "The Late Marshal St. Arnaud, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies". Other news of the day and advertisemen... See More  

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Coromandel gold diggings at New Zealand... Lighthouse at Cape Town... Map of Port of Savannah...

Item #580961

January 14, 1865

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, London, England, January 14, 1865  The front page of the issue contains a very large illustration "Opening of the New Exchange at Birmingham" with an associated article and another illustration inside the issue. Within the issue are: "Toledo"; "Coromandel Gold-diggings, New Zealand"; "Distribution of the Queen's New-Year's Da... See More  

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Naval Review Supplement... Florence Nightingale song...

Item #580530

April 26, 1856

SUPPLEMENT TO THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, London, England, April 26, 1856  This is The Grand Naval Review Supplement. The issues contains a large amount of illustrations and articles pertaining to Naval review at Spithead. Included is a fullpage song entitled "Florence Nightingale".

This is complete in 32 pages and is in very good condition.

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Little Red Riding Hood illustration...

Item #580529

March 03, 1888

SUPPLEMENT TO THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, London, England, March 3, 1888  (print only)  This is a duo-tone doublepage illustration entitled "Little Red Riding Hood" by C. F. Watts, R.A.

This measures approximately 22.5 x 16 inches and is in very nice condition. Very displayable!

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Chicago Fire... William Wiberforce...

Item #580293

November 18, 1871

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, London, England, November 18, 1871  The frontpage of the issue features a fullpage illustrations "'Divine Service,' by H. Ochmichen". Within the issue are three pages of illustrations from Chicago referring to the Chicago Fire. Fullpage illustrations "'The Gate of Victory,' Cairo", "Scene in a Cabaret in the North of France", "Th... See More  

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Lumbering in New Brunswick... Ottawa, Canada...

Item #579843

August 28, 1858

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, London, England, August 28, 1858  The front cover features a nearly halfpage illustration "The Wellington Tomb in the Crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral". A nearly half-page illustration "Inauguration of a Russian Gun at Seaham Harbour, near Sunderland". "The Attack on the Peiho Forts by the English and French Fleets" contain two halfpage ... See More  

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Railway... Indian John Francis...

Item #579842

September 05, 1863

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, London, England, September 5, 1863  The front cover features a halfpage illustration "Burning of the Old Seraglio, Constantinople".Within the issue is "Travelling in Madagascar which contains two halfpage illustrations. Halfpage "The Congress of German Sovereigns at Frankfort: Fireworks on the Banks of the Maine". Fullpage "General Vi... See More  

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Item #579810

November 24, 1860

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, London, England, November 24, 1860  The front cover is entitled "Departure of the Prince of Wales from Portland, United States, for England". Within the issue is a fullpage "Sale at Calcutta of Valuable Government Presents and Lucknow Jewels"; doublepage "Grand Ball Given at the Academy of Music, New York, in Honour of His Royal Highness t... See More  

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Raleigh and Charlotte views...

Item #578480

April 09, 1887

THE NEW SOUTH, Supplement to Harper's Weekly, April 9, 1887

* Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina prints

This is a four page issue with the front page having several scenes of "Raleigh, North Carolina" & the double page centerfold showing: "The Turpentine Industry--North Carolina" and the back page having 5 prints of "Charlotte, North Carolina" (see ph... See More  

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Political Satire print... Thomas Nast...

Item #578419

June 05, 1886

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 5, 1886 (print only)  The single page print is entitled "Our Standard (Gauge) Adopted all Over the Union" which is by Thomas Nast. This measures approximately 11.25 x 15.75 and is in very nice condition. Very suitable for framing.

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The "Special Edition" on the death of President Garfield...

Item #576833

July 23, 1881

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 23, 1881  This is the "Special Edition" of Harper's on the death of President James Garfield, and is entirely different from the "regular" edition of the same date as found as item 174580 on our website.

This "Special Edition" is considerably more rare, seldom found in sets of Harper's Weekly when the become available.... See More  

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From the 1840's, 1850's, and 1860's...

The Charles Dickens Collection...

Item #576239
The Charles Dickens Collection - This three issue set features one issue edited by Charles Dickens (either Household Words or All The Year Round from the 1860's), one issue of The ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS from the Dickens Era (1850's), and one issue of The Times (London) from the Dickens Era (1840's), providing a contextual background for the work of this literary giant!

Wholesale Lot: typically more than one item/set available!

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Samuel Baker... Unrest in Sicily... Fate of Canada...

Item #576228

January 20, 1894

THE ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN, New York & Chicago, January 20, 1894  The front page of the issue is entitled "The Conqueror of Kabba Rega" and includes a photo of Samuel Baker who was involved in Africa much earlier than Stanley Livingstone.  Within the issue is coverage on "Troubled Sicily - A State of Siege Has Been Proclaimed - Riots and Bloodshed on Every Side" an... See More  

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An Army Surgeon's Story...

Item #576205

October 21, 1897

THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Massachusetts, October 21, 1897  This is mostly literary-related content, but also topical articles, plus other youth-related content and filled with ads. About the size of Harper's Weekly.  The frontpage story is entitled "How Neither of Us Was Hanged - An Army Surgeon's Story" which is from the Battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. Complete ... See More  

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Croquet & wine making prints...

Item #573048

September 27, 1873

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Sept. 27, 1873  Inside has a nice full-page print: "Croquet at the Convalescent Home of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Highgate" with a related article.

Also within is a full-page wine-related print: "The Vintage In France: Grape Gatherers Returning" and a doublepage: "An Apple Orchard". Other prints as well.

Sixteen pages... See More  

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Political Satire... A.B. Frost print...

Item #572834

September 30, 1876

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, September 30, 1876(print only)  This is a single page illustration entitled "Sindbad T., The Old Man of the Sea" by A.B. Frost. This measures approximately 16 x 11 inches and is in very nice condition. Very suitable for framing.

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Lake scene.. A.B. Frost print...

Item #572833

November 22, 1884

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, November 22, 1884 (print only)  This is a single page illustration entitled "Watering Deer -- Watching the Lake" by A.B. Frost. This measures approximately 16 x 10.75 inches and is in very nice condition. Very suitable for framing.

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Pennsylvania Miners Strike... W.A. Rogers print...

Item #572830

January 21, 1888

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, January 21, 1888 (print only)  This is a single page illustration entitled "The Pennsylvania Strike - Miners Calling a Meeting" by W.A. Rogers. This measures approximately 16 x 11 inches and is in very nice condition. Very suitable for framing.

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Man-of-War... Frederic Remington...

Item #572828

February 19, 1887

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, February 19, 1887 (print only)  This is a single page illustration entitled "Sketches on a Man-Of-War Under Sailing Orders -- The Last on Board" by Frederic Remington. This print features an inset which contains five other illustrations. This measures approximately 16.25 x 11 inches and is in very nice condition. Very suitable for framing.

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Coastline of Maine...

Item #572826

June 28, 1884

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, June 28, 1884 (print only)  This is a doublepage illustration entitled "Picturesque Scenes Along the coast of Maine" drawn by John Rix, which is comprised of seven different scenes. This measures approximately 22 x 16 inches and is in very nice condition. Very suitable for framing.

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Illustration of maiden and children...

Item #572485

June 14, 1873

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS - Extra Supplement, London, June 14, 1873  (print only) This is a double-page print entitled "A Lowland Lassie" which is of a maiden and two children.  This is in very good condition and suitable for framing.

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Life-Boat Saving Illustration...

Item #572482

November 06, 1880

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS - Extra Supplement, London, November 6, 1880  (print only) This is a double-page print entitled "Life-Boat Service on the Lincolnshire Coast: Throwing the Hand Rocket" which is of the rescuing of a life-saving at sea.  This is in very good condition and suitable for framing.

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Color print from London....

Item #572464

October 13, 1883

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS extra supplement, England, October 13, 1883 (print only) This is a single page colored print entitled "Capercailzie-Shooting" is of a bird hunter with his dog. This is in very good condition and suitable for framing.

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Color print from London....

Item #572460

May 19, 1888

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS extra supplement, England, May 19, 1888 (print only) This is a single page colored print entitled "Sunshine", from a painting by Alice Havers, is of a mother and daughter in a woods setting. This is in very good condition and suitable for framing.

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Illustrated London News prints... California...

Item #572456

January 01, 1880

Prints from Illustrated London News... a lot of 3 prints from Illustration London News issues. These are prints of views from Upper and Lower California. You simply cannot go wrong. All are suitable for framing and are in good condition.

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Illustrated London News prints...

Item #572455

January 01, 1880

Prints from Illustrated London News... a lot of 4 prints from Illustration London News issues. If you are a reseller, or simply enjoy illustrations from this era, this lot is a perfect way to obtain many prints for a fraction of the cost of 1st-rate issues. There are no duplications.  You simply cannot go wrong. All are suitable for framing and are in good condition.

... See More  

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Mark Twain's death... Special issue...

Item #177847

April 30, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 30, 1910  The prime content within this issue is the content related to the life and death of Mark Twain.  The front page has:  "Mark Twain: 1835-1910".  Several pages include text and prints related to his life and work (see images).  The issue also contains: "A Diana of Africa", The First LAdy On South Africa"... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at: guy@rarenewspapers.com

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E.W.Kemble prints

Item #177846

October 29, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 29, 1910  Contains a great double page print, "Old Man Ananias: 'Welcome, Theodore; That Plank Makes You A Life Member' ", drawn by E.W.Kemble.  Also by Kemble is "The Political Juggler On The Slack Wire".  The front page has "The Late David B. Hill".  Additional prints, news of the day, and period adv... See More  

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General Custer... Displayable prints...

Item #177845

June 18, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 18, 1910  The front page has the print, "In Honor of Custer". Inside has:  "Dignity and Impudence", Blazing a Trail for Motorists", From Grand Opera To Gilbert And Sullivan", "Beating the Monroe Doctrine", "The Schoolboy and the Aeroplane", and more.  However, perhaps the two most displayable print... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at: guy@rarenewspapers.com

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James Montgomery Flagg print...

Aeroplane Flight... measuring the altitude...

Item #177844

January 15, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 15, 1910  This issue contains the wonderful double page centerfold print, "Better Than Sugar", by James Montgomery Flagg.  Another print of note is, "A Winter Cargo From Maine", by H.M. Brett.  Also included are: "The Most Important City Official In The World", "The Senatorial Hall Of Fame", by E.W. Kimbl... See More  

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Southampton golf...

James Montgomery Flagg print...

Item #177843

January 22, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 22, 1910  This issue contains the wonderful double page centerfold print, "Their Daughter's Voice", by James Montgomery Flagg (has two small staple marks from being bound).  Another print of note is, "You've Got To Cut Loose, Mr. President, If You Ever Expect To Reach The Top", by E.W. Kemble.  Two pages are dedicate... See More  

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Indianapolis Motor Speedway... Orville & Wilbur Wright...

Item #177842

August 14, 1909

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 14, 1909  The prime content within this issue is the page 7 and 8 article with prints: "How the Wrights Made Good - The Story Of Their Successful Flight With A Passenger At Fort Myer, Virginia, Which Fulfilled The Government Test And Provided The Practical Value of The Aeroplane" (see). Of additional significance is the article (with prints) regar... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at: guy@rarenewspapers.com

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Early print of the Utah Territory...

Item #571271

July 10, 1858

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, July 10, 1858 

* Fort Bridger - Wyoming 

* President James Monroe

The front page shows: "James Monroe" with a biography of him. He had been recently re-interred in Richmond, Virginia. But the prime print in this issue would be the nice double page centerfold: "Fort Bridger, Utah Territory", which is one of the ear... See More  

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Winslow Homer print...

Item #570951

April 18, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 18, 1874 

* Winslow Homer original print 

Certainly the best print in this famous illustrated newspaper is the very nice full page by noted artist Winslow Homer, captioned: "New York Charities--St. Barnabas House, 304 Mulberry Street".

Among the other prints in this issue are the full front page by Thomas Worth: "Pride & Po... See More  

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Alaska prints... Early 2oth century...

Philadelphia Athletics... 1913 World Champions...

Item #570762

October 23, 1913

LESLIE"S ILLUSTRATED, New York, October 23, 1913  In addition to the decorative color cover, this issue features several prints of the Philadelphia Athletics World Championship baseball team.  Many (including baseball historian bill James) regard the 1913 A's as having had the best infield in major league history (first baseman Stuffy McInnis, second baseman Eddie Collins, third bas... See More  

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Dated in 1910...

Approximately 100 years old...

Item #570743

January 01, 1910

An authentic newspaper dated in 1910.  This is a great issue to have if desiring to gain a snap-shot of the early 1900's.  National news coverage, period advertising, and considerable commentary related to the events (now historic) of 1910 can be found throughout.

The issue you receive will be complete and in good condition.  Please be aware that issues from this period (known as... See More  

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