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Web Results (3)


Counting the slaves... The infant Navy...

August 08, 1798

Item #638250    COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 15 and 28, 1798  A notable pair of issues. The entire front page & a bit of pg. 2  of the Aug. 15 issue are taken up with: "An Act to provide for the Valuatio...

From France...

November 28, 1788

Item #642632    AFFICHES  DE DAUPHINE, ANNOUNCES, ETC, Nov. 28, 1788  This would appear to be a weekly newspaper done at (or near) Grenoble, France, with front page heads including (translated) "For Sale" a...

Plate of the Great White Owl... Map of English canal...

Item #646260    THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1771  Most of a column is taken up with: "Mr. Brahm's Observations on the American Coast" which seems to deal with areas in Florida and the Cari...
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