American Forefathers

Please enjoy this abbreviated list of issues with content related to the forefathers of America (Washington, Franklin, Paine, Adams, and more).  A more comprehensive list may be found at

American Forefathers

Please enjoy this abbreviated list of issues with content related to the forefathers of America (Washington, Franklin, Paine, Adams, and more).&nbsp; A more comprehensive list may be found at <a href=""></a>.
Web Results (1329)



Elizabeth City, North Carolina...

Item #651972

April 25, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, April 25, 1862 

* Elizabeth City, North Carolina 

* Siege of Yorktown, Virginia

* Nashville, Tennessee

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "Important From Fortress Monroe" "Union Account of the Fight Near Elizabeth City... See More  

Available Now


Yorktown, VA map...

Item #590348

May 05, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, May 5, 1862  

* Battle or Siege of Yorktown, Virginia

* General George B. McClellan

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. The front page has a map titled: "THE CAPTURE OF YORKTOWN AND GLOUCESTER POINT".

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "YORKTO... See More  

Available Now


The Battle of Williamsburg, Virginia...

Item #585809

May 08, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York, May 8, 1862 

* New Orleans, Louisiana

* Battle of Williamsburg, VA

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "The Capture Of New Orleans", "Progress of Operations to the 26th Ult.", "Fort Jackson In Flames&qu... See More  

Available Now


Dridgeport, Alabama map...

Item #550810

May 11, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York City, New York, May 11, 1862 

* Bridgeport, Alabama map... 

* Lebanon, Tennessee... 
New Orleans, Louisiana... 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "General Mitchel's Successes,"Interesting From Gen. Hall... See More  

Available Now


Rare Pittsburgh 1862 Civil War era...

Item #574983

May 13, 1862

THE PITTSBURGH POST, Pennsylvania, May 13, 1862 

* Farmington, Tennessee 

* Norfolk, Virginia

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this era was ma... See More  

Available Now


Three maps and a diagram...

Item #691149

May 13, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, May 13, 1862 

* Bottoms Bridge - Chickahominy River

* General George B. McClellan

The front page is dominated by a nice, detailed Civil War map headed: "THE BATTLE FIELD IN VIRGINIA - The Area of General McClellan's Operations--Bottom's Bridge on the Chickahominy." Column heads as well including: "State of Things In Richmond" "Starvatio... See More  

Available Now


President Lincoln Proclamation...

Item #690316

May 14, 1862

NEW YORK WORLD, May 14, 1862 

* Abraham Lincoln proclamation 89

* Termination of blockade in 3 Southern cities

The front page first column heads include: "PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION" "Partial Raising Of the Blockade" "Port Royal, Beaufort and New Orleans Open to Trade" "Other Ports to be Opened Soon" and what follows is the full text headed: &q... See More  

Available Now


Rare Pittsburgh 1862 Civil War era...

Item #574937

May 15, 1862

THE PITTSBURGH POST, Pennsylvania, May 15, 1862 

* Suffolk, Virginia

* Rare Western Pennsylvania title 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint f... See More  

Available Now


Rare Pittsburgh 1862 Civil War era...

Item #574964

May 17, 1862

THE PITTSBURGH POST, Pennsylvania, May 17, 1862 

* Fort Pillow, Tennessee

* Arming Negroes 

* Rare Western Pennsylvania title 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issu... See More  

Available Now


Weldon, North Carolina...

Item #550236

May 19, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York City, May 19, 1862 

* Weldon, North Carolina 

* Pensacola, Florida 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "IMPORTANT FROM THE SOUTH" "RUMORED EVACUATION OF WELDON N. C." "Gov. Clark, of North Carol... See More  

Available Now


Lincoln repeals Hunter's controversial order emancipating slaves...

Item #690313

May 20, 1862

NEW YORK WORLD, May 20, 1862 

* General David Hunter order

* Emancipation of slaves

* Abraham Lincoln rebuffs

The front page begins with column heads: "PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION" "Gen. Hunter's Proclamation Void" "The Power of Declaring Slaves Free Belongs to the President" "An Appeal To The Border States" "Gradual Abolition of Slave... See More  

Available Now


Rare Pittsburgh Civil War era...

Item #574982

May 21, 1862

THE PITTSBURGH POST, Pennsylvania, May 21, 1862

* James River battles

* Battle of Drewry's Bluff

* Rare Western Pennsylvania title

* Civil War original reading

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first
... See More  

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Richmond, VA... Evacuations of Pensacola...

Item #585806

May 21, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York, May 21, 1862 

* Richmond VA Virginia

* New Orleans LA

* Pensacola Fl

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "Important from the Peninsula", "Advance of the Union Army Towards the Rebel Capital", "Skirmish... See More  

Available Now


Fort Wright, Kentucky...

Item #585805

May 23, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York City, May 23, 1862

* New Orleans Louisiana LA

* Fort Wright & Randolph

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "Interesting From New Orleans", "Operations of the Department of the Gulf", "Military Occupation of ... See More  

Available Now


Recruits are needed... Special message signed by President Lincoln...

Item #693481

May 28, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, May 28, 1862 

* Call for more troops - recruits

* Abraham Lincoln message signed

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Brisk Recruiting for Volunteer Organizations" "News From Gen. Banks' Army" 'The Rebels Retreating to Winchester" "The Military Furor" and more.

Page 4 has: "Special Message of Presiden... See More  

Available Now


Confederate States... Battle of Seven Pines...

Item #562715

June 03, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York, June 3, 1862

* Confederate States

Battle of Seven Pines, Richmond, Virginia

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.

The front page has a very nice front page map titled: "THE SEAT OF WAR IN THE SOUTHWEST".

Also another nice map on page 3 is titled: "THE BATTLE FIELD I... See More  

Available Now


Map of Fort Wright... Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks)...

Item #580753

June 07, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York, June 7, 1862

* Battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks

* Memphis, Tennessee

* Fort Wright (Pillow) map

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.

The front page has a nice map titled:


Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "News From Th... See More  

Available Now


A Civil War print by the famed artist Winslow Homer...

Item #172578

June 07, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 7, 1862  The front page shows: "Brigadier-General Stoneman" and "Cold Harbor, Nine Miles From Richmond, Va., Near General M'Clellan's Head-Quarters". Other prints inside include: "Our Army In the Southwest" with 5 scenes; two halfpg. scenes: "Corduroying Roads to Corinth" and "General Buell's Army Cro... See More  

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The slave Robert Smalls... A Winslow Homer centerfold...

Item #172580

June 14, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 14, 1862  Perhaps the most notable print (with related text) is that of: "Robert Smalls, Captain of the Gun Boat 'Planter' " which includes a related article as well.  As Wikipedia notes, Robert Smalls was an enslaved African American who freed himself, his crew and their families from slavery by commandeering a Confederate transport ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at:

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Second rate also available for:


Rare Pittsburgh 1862 Civil War era...

Item #575052

June 16, 1862

THE PITTSBURGH POST, Pennsylvania, June 16, 1862 

* Chattanooga, Tennessee 

* Galveston, Texas

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this era was m... See More  

Available Now


Rare Pittsburgh 1862 Civil War era...

Item #575051

June 17, 1862

THE PITTSBURGH POST, Pennsylvania, June 17, 1862 

* Port Republic, Virginia 

* Rare Western Pennsylvania title 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile ... See More  

Available Now


1862 James Island...

Item #591641

June 17, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, June 17, 1862 

* Secessionville, South Carolina- James Island

* Peninsula campaign in Virginia

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War within this issue: "Important From Port Royal", "Operations Against Charleston", "Shar... See More  

Available Now


Richmond, Virginia...

Item #563098

July 01, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York City, July 1, 1862 

* Richmond, Virginia...  Seven Days battles 

* 2 front page maps 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.


Amo... See More  

Available Now


George McClellan's address...

Item #582056

July 07, 1862


* George McClellan address to his soldiers

* Post Seven Days Battles...  Booneville, Mississippi

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are:"M'CLELLAN ON THE PENINSULA" "Brilliant Address to His Army on the Birthda... See More  

Available Now


Seven Days Battles...

Item #582055

July 08, 1862


* Post Seven Days Battles

* General George McClellan

This is a genuine Civil War newspaper from Abraham Lincoln's administration with one column headlines which include: "M'CLELLAN'S ARMY", "Skirmish with and Defeat of the Rebels on Friday", "One Thousand Prisoners and Three Batteries Captured", "THE OPERATIONS... See More  

Available Now


Abraham Lincoln visits the Army of the Potomac...

Item #693809

July 11, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, July 11, 1862  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "McClellan's Army" "The Reception of the President In Camp" "Splendid Military Review by Moonlight" "Honest 'Old Age' Spends a Night Among the Troops" "The Well Fought Battles to be Inscribed on the Regimental Colors".

Page 4 has a nice, detail... See More  

Item from Catalog 346 (released for September, 2024)

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Seven Days Battles...

Item #582049

July 12, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 12, 1862 

* Post Seven Days Battles 

* General George McClellan 

This is a genuine Civil War newspaper from Abraham Lincoln's administration with one column headlines which include: "NEWS FROM M'CLELLAN", "Heavy Cannonading Up the James River on Thursday", "Despatch from Gen. McClellan Stating the the Enemy has Retre... See More  

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President Lincoln's appeal to the border states... Brady's photographs...

Item #693807

July 19, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 19, 1862 

* Abraham Lincoln appeal to border states

* Pleads for emancipation of slaves - slavery

The back page begins with a very notable address by President Lincoln headed: "The President's Appeal To The Border States". 

On July 12 Abraham Lincoln invited the senators and representatives from the border states to hear his offer of compen
... See More  

Available Now


March from Middletown to Sperryville...

Item #582045

July 21, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 21, 1862

* General Henry Wager Halleck

* Sperryville VA Virginia

This is a genuine Civil War newspaper from Abraham Lincoln's administration with one column headlines which include: "IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON", "Awaiting the Arrival of Gen. Halleck", "Sketch Of The General", "Important From The Gulf", "OPERATIONS OF ... See More  

Available Now


Capture of Hamilton, North Carolina...

Item #539475

July 22, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York City, New York, July 22, 1862 

* Hamilton, North Carolina...

* Beaver Dam Creek, Virginia...

This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition (except for some creases) due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day
... See More  

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Battle of Malvern Hill...

Item #172592

July 26, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 26, 1862  The front page shows 3 views of the "New Rebel Iron-Clad 'Richmond' or 'Virginia #2'', one being a sectional view. Also on the front page are prints of: "Brigadier-General Daniel Butterfield" and "Brigadier-General Truman Seymour".

Other prints within include: "Army of the Potomac--Battle of the C... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


Orange, Virginia... Gordonsville...

Item #582098

July 30, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 30, 1862

* Orange, Virginia

* Gordonsville

This is a genuine Civil War newspaper from Abraham Lincoln's administration with one column headlines which include: "IMPORTANT FROM VIRGINIA" "The Rebels Under Gen. Ewell Reported to be at Orange Court House" "Skirmishing With The Enemy" "Interesting From Tennessee" "News F... See More  

Available Now


Civil War newspaper from Ohio...

Item #571633

August 01, 1862

CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 1, 1862  This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this era was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to re... See More  

Available Now


The battles before Richmond...

Item #172594

August 02, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 2, 1862  The entire front page is a print showing African-Americans: "Cutting the Canal Opposite Vicksburg".  Inside prints include: "View of The City of Vicksburg, Mississippi" "The City of Huntsville, Alabama" "The Battles Before Richmond--Ayers's Artillery (Smith's Division) Keeping the Rebels in Check at... See More  

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Rare Cincinnati OH Civil War era.....

Item #574778

August 04, 1862

CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 4, 1862

* Humboldt TN

* Rare Midwestern title

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this era was ... See More  

Available Now


Rare Cincinnati, Ohio Civil War era...

Item #574015

August 05, 1862


* Gloucester, Virginia 

* Rare Midwestern title 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this era wa... See More  

Available Now


Civil War newspaper from Ohio...

Item #571602

August 09, 1862

CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 9, 1862  This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this era was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to re... See More  

Available Now


Battle of Baton Rouge...

Item #582813

August 20, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York, August 20, 1862

* Baton Rouge Louisiana  LA

* Warrensburg MO Missouri

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "MOVEMENTS ON THE PENINSULA", "Grand March of McClellan's Army", "THE BATTLE OF BATON ROUGE&quo... See More  

Available Now


Rare Cincinnati, Ohio Civil War era...

Item #574769

August 21, 1862

CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Ohio, August 21, 1862 

* Baton Rouge, Louisiana 

* Lone Jack Mo Missouri 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this era w... See More  

Available Now

Item #583594

August 26, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, August 26, 1862

* Rebel invasion (Washington D.C.)

* Culpepper VA Virginia

* John Morgan in Kentucky

A genuine Civil War newspaper from Abraham Lincoln's administration with one column headlines which include: "Movements In Front Of Washington", "Successful Withdrawal of Gen Pope's Army of the North Bank of Rappahannock", "Our Present L... See More  

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Battle of Cedar Mountain, Stonewall Jackson, and more...

Item #172602

August 30, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 30, 1862  The full front page is a print of: "Brigadier-General Michael Corcoran, Late Colonel 69th Regiment New York State Militia". Prints inside include: "John Morgan's Highwaymen Sacking a Peaceful Village in the West" "Negroes Building Stockades Under the Recent Act of Congress" "The Late General R. L. M'Coo... See More  

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Lincoln's famous letter to Greeley... Homer centerfold...

Item #172604

September 06, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 6, 1862  Of special note is the pg. 3 (563) historic letter headed: "The President On the Negro Question". This was one of the more famous letters from Abraham Lincoln, being his reply to Horace Greeley's editorial of August 20, "A Prayer of Twenty Millions", which urged emancipation. Lincoln replies in his letter with his famo... See More  

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Rare Cincinnati, Ohio Civil War era...

Item #573202

September 10, 1862

CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Ohio, September 10, 1862 

* Battle of Bull Run # 2 

* Rare Midwestern title 

* Civil War original reading

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

... See More  

Available Now


The Emancipation Proclamation... Lincoln suspends the Writ of Habeas Corpus...

Item #689603

September 27, 1862

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, September 27, 1862 

* Emancipation Proclamation

* President Abraham Lincoln

Page 2 contains the full texts of the Emancipation Proclamation, perhaps the most significant Presidential pronouncement of the entire Civil War wherein Lincoln declared all slaves free.

Headed: "A Proclamation By the President of the United States" the document begins at the... See More  

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Rare Cincinnati OH Civil War era... Maryland invasion...

Item #572487

October 02, 1862

CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 2, 1862  This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this era was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to remain v... See More  

Available Now


Emancipation Proclamation & battle of Antietam...

Item #172612

October 04, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 4, 1862  Page 3 contains the complete and historically significant printing of the Emancipation Proclamation signed in type by the President: Abraham Lincoln, & headed: "The Abolition of Slavery--A Proclamation". There is also a nice page 2 editorial concerning the Emancipation Proclamation headed: "Slavery Practically Abolished" ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at:

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Second rate also available for:


Battle of Antietam...

Item #172614

October 11, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 11, 1862  The front page has two illustrations: "Flight of the Inhabitants of Sharpsburg at the Approach of Their Rebel Deliverers" and "Ford Near Shepherdstown, On the Potomac--Picket Firing Across the River".

Prints inside include a full page of: "The Battle of Antietam--First Maryland Battery in the Fore-Ground" and anot... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


Chaplin Hills, Kentucky...

Item #571750

October 23, 1862

CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Ohio, October 23, 1862 

* Chaplin Hills, Kentucky 

* Rare Midwestern title 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this e... See More  

Available Now


Nast on "After the Battle"... Civil War maps...

Item #172618

October 25, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 25, 1862  The full front page is a print of: "Garibaldi, Wounded and A Prisoner". The prints within this issue include 3 scenes: "The Campaign in Maryland--Flag of Truce from the Rebels" "Battle of South Mountain--Franklin's Corps Storming Crampton's Pass" showing 4 views, including Boonesborough, Maryland, and Middl... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


Kentucky campaign...

Item #571754

October 28, 1862

CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, Ohio, October 28, 1862 

* Kentucky campaign & more

* Rare Midwestern title 

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day they were first reported.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint from this er... See More  

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