Movies, Film & Theater

Actors, actresses, Hollywood, Broadway, and more...
The listings below are just a sampling of newspaper reporting regarding film and theater.  If you don't find your favorite person or event, use our search engine to search for them by name.
Note: Some newspapers shown are of significant events upon which future movies and/or plays were based.

Movies, Film & Theater

Actors, actresses, Hollywood, Broadway, and more...<br /> The listings below are just a sampling of newspaper reporting regarding film and theater.&nbsp; If you don&#39;t find your favorite person or event, use our search engine to search for them by name.<br /> Note: Some newspapers shown are of significant events upon which future movies and/or plays were based.
Web Results (1809)



Wild duck shooting...

Item #175898

March 10, 1894

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York,  March 10, 1894  Front full pg. illus. of "Police Investigation." Inside is a 2/3 pg. illus. of "Henry Irving as Becket." 1/2 pg. illus. of "With the Naval Militia - Cutlass Drill on the 'New Hampshire'." Two full pg. illus. of "The Metropolitan Club, New York."

Full pg. illus. of "Behind a Pawnbroker... See More  

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Quebec's winter carnival...

Item #175890

February 10, 1894

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 10, 1894  Front full pg. illus. of "If Not Rule, Then Ruin." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "The Protection of American Interests in Brazilian Waters." Full pg. illus. of "The Quebec Winter Carnival."

Doublepage centerfold of "The Ball." Two full pg. illus. of "The Poultry Show at Madison Square Garden"... See More  

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New York's cable cars...

Item #175884

January 20, 1894

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 20, 1894  Front full pg. illus. of "Clang! - Out of the Way of the Cable Car."

Inside has two 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Recent Fire at the World's Fair." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Annual Reception of the Brooklyn Union League Club." 1/4 pg. illus. of "The New Home of the St. Nicholas Club." Two full pg. illus. of "... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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A.B. Frost illustrations... W.A. Rogers illustrations...

Item #175876

December 23, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 23, 1893  The front page is an illustration by A.B. Frost showing a Black man & his dog entitled: "Fo' De Lan's Sake! I Done Forgot De Chillun's Candy!". Within the issue is another full page Frost illustration "The Christmas Savings".  Articles "The Chaplain of the House" and "The New Brigadier-Genera... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Chicago's mayor is assassinated...

Item #175864

November 11, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 11, 1893 The front page features a full page illustration "The Assassination of Mayor Harrison of Chicago." Inside is a half-page illustration of "The New War Between the Spaniards and the Moors."

A half-page illustration of "The 'Algerian' - Finale of the Second Act." Two half-page illustrations of "The Columbian ... See More  

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The Colombian Exposition at Chicago...

Item #175862

November 04, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 4, 1893 Included in the masthead is: 'An Eight Page World's Fair Supplement with this Number', showing various photos from the Columbian Exposition. A ftpg. photo on the Expo as well.

Complete issue.... See More  

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Wealth of prints on the Chicago Exposition...

Item #175858

October 21, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 21, 1893  Front full pg. illus. of "Columbian Exposition - A Note from the Wild East in the Midway Plaisance."

Inside are two full pgs. of illus. of "The Recent Tidal Wave Disaster on the Mississippi and Louisiana Coasts" and "On Board the United States Cruiser 'New York'." Two 1/2 pg. illus.pertaining to "The ... See More  

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The Oklahoma land rush... Colorado Springs floral carnival...

Item #175852

September 30, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 30, 1893  Nice fullpg. with 8 illustrations on: 'The Opening of the Cherokee Strip'. 'Newport Society'. Halfpg: 'Floral Carnival at Colorado Springs'. Fullpg; 'A Hoosier Harvest Jubilee' has 8 scenes. Fullpg. with 7 photos of: 'The Oyster Industry on the Chesapeake'

Complete issue.

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Frederic Remington illustration...

Item #175848

September 16, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 16, 1893 Front full pg. illus. of "Columbian Exposition - In the Cairo Street, Midway Plaisance." Inside is a full pg. of illus. of "The Recent Cyclone in the South." Full pg. of illus. of "With the New York Naval Reserves on Long Island." 2/3 pg. portrait of "The Hon. Hamilton Fish." Full pg. of illus. of "The I... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


Columbian Exposition, Chicago...

Item #175836

August 05, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 5, 1893  Front full pg. illus. of "The Yachting Season - Boarding in Rough Weather." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "Columbian Exposition - Half-way Up the Ferris Wheel." 1/4 pg. portrait of "Lieutenant Powhatan H. Clarke, U.S.A." Four small portraits of "M. Develle, Our Visiting Indian Prince, J. H. Eckels, and Estanisla... See More  

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Edwin Booth... Adventures of Sherlock Holmes... Horse Show...

Item #175822

June 17, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 17, 1893  Front full pg. illus. of "A Coaching Party Lunching at the Open-Air Horse Show, Philadelphia." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Disaster at the Old Ford's Theatre, Washington - Removing the Bodies from the Ruins." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Columbian Exposition - In the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building." Full pg. ... See More  

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Remington illustration...

Item #175814

May 20, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 20, 1893 Full ftpg. shows a crowd at the gate of the Columbian Exposition. Fullpg. with 7 scenes of 'The Rock of Gibraltar' & a fullpg. with 5 scenes 'In the Nicaragua Country--Across the Divide'. 'Characteristic Sketches of the German Army' includes 12 prints by F. Remington. Two additional pages of illustrations of the Columbian Expo... See More  

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Ships of the United States Navy...

Item #175808

April 29, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 29, 1893  Front full pg. illus. of "The Naval Rendezvous at Hampton Roads." Inside are two 1/4 pg. portraits of "James C. Carter" and "Charles R. Miller." 1/3 pg. illus. of "The Bradley Portrait of Christopher Columbus." 1/4 pg. portrait of "The Duke of Veragua." Full pg. illus. of "In the Smoking Car ... See More  

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Trouble at Topeka, Kansas... Hawaii scenes...

Item #175792

March 04, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 4, 1893  Full ftpg: 'Pres. Harrison Raiding the Flag on the Steamer N.Y.'. Fullpg: 'The Kansas Trouble At Topeka' & 'Sketches of the Hawaiian Islands'. Great doublepage centerfold: 'Pres. Cleveland & His Cabinet' is nice. Fullpg: 'Dangers of Canadian Frontier Life'

Complete issue.

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Chicago cable cars...

Item #175790

February 25, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 25, 1893  Front full pg. illus. of "The Gripman - Chicago Cable Cars." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Washington - Visitors on the Terrace of the Capitol." Full pg. illus. of "The Old Communistic Town of Economy, Pennsylvania." Full pg. illus. of "Columbian Exposition - The Statue of the Republic." 1/2 pg. illus.... See More  

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A.B. Frost on hunting...

Item #175788

February 18, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, February 18, 1893 The front cover of the issue features a great full page illustration of 'Tobogganing At Montmorency Falls, Canada'. Inside the issue is a half page photo of "The Trial Trip of the United States Steamship 'Monterey' in San Francisco Bay'. A full page features coverage of Howell E Jackson which includes a 1/4 page photo ... See More  

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Nantucket's life saving service...

Item #175780

January 21, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 21, 1893 Full ftpg. boating scene: 'Call Away the Life Boat!'. Fullpg. with 6 photos: 'Scenes on the Shrewsbury River During the Cold Spell'. Halfpg: 'Ice Jam in the North River'. Photo of Nantucket's Coskata Life Saving Service crew.

Complete in sixteen pages.

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Northern Georgia...

Item #175774

December 31, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 31, 1892  Front full pg. illus. of "For Service Abroad - All Strangers Clear off the Ship." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Ada Rehan in Different Characters." Two full pgs. of illus. pertaining to "Columbian Exposition - A Group of State Buildings."

Doublepage centerfold of "The Sorceress." 1/2 pg. illus. of &qu... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Christmas in a cavalry camp...

Item #175772

December 24, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 24, 1892 Full ftpg. hunting print by A.B. Frost: 'Missed 'em Agin, by Ginger!' Fullpg. of photos on the Gould family. Very nice & displayable doublepage centerfold by F. Remington: 'Roasting Christmas Beef in a Cavalry Camp'. Nice fullpg: 'A Deer Hunt in Louisiana'

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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The Columbian Celebration Naval Review...

Item #175754

October 22, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 22, 1892 (with Supplement)  Front full page illustration of "The New York Columbian Celebration - The Banquet at Lenox Lyceum." Inside are two full page illustrations of "The New York Colombian Celebration - Scenes Along the Line of March." Double page centerfold of "The Columbian Celebration in New York - The Military Parade.&qu... See More  

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St. Patrick's Cathedral...

Item #175752

October 15, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 15, 1892  Front full pg. portrait of "Lord Tennyson." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Lord Tennyson in His Study as He appeared at the Age of Seventy-Four." Full pg. of illus. pertaining to "Tennyson." Full pg. with four illus. pertaining to "Ireland vs. America at the Manheim Cricket Grounds, Philadelphia."

Doubl... See More  

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The mob at Fire Island...

Item #175746

September 24, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 24, 1892  Full front page shows: 'The Mob at Fire Island Preventing the Landing of the 'Normannia' Passengers'. Full page with 4 photos of 'Two Days with the Cholera Exiles' plus another page with 7 more photos. Full page with 8 illustrations of: 'Lt. Peary & the Voyage of the 'Kite' --Scenes & Incidents'... See More  

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Western print by W.A. Rogers... Southampton, Long Island...

Item #175738

August 27, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY August 27, 1892. Front full pg. illus. of "The Strike of the Switchmen at Buffalo, New York." Inside is a full pg. of illus. pertaining to "The Knights Templar Conclave in Denver, Colorado." Full pg. of illus. of "The Strike of the Switchmen at Buffalo, New York." Several pgs. of large illus. pertaining to "Pekin." (China). Full pg. illus... See More  

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Larchmont Yacht Club...

Item #175716

June 11, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 11, 1892  Front full page illustration of "Lay Aloft! - A Steamship Drill of the Naval Academy Cadets." Inside is a full page illustration of "The Opening of the Yachting Season - Larchmont Yacht Club." Two small portraits of "James S. Calrkson, of Iowa" and "John C. New, of Indiana." 1/2 page illustration of "Th... See More  

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Mining in Juneau, Alaska...

Item #175708

May 14, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 14, 1892  Full ftpg: 'All Hands Bury the Dead!' shows a burial at sea. Lengthy article with 6 illustrations by Frederic Remington, most showing Indians (see inset). Nice article: 'Alaska's Mining Regions' includes 6 illustrations, including: 'Juneau--Silver Bow Basin' plus other scenes around Juneau, and one of Joseph Juneau himse... See More  

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Remington Western print... Sisseton Indians...

Item #175700

April 16, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 16, 1892  The full front page is a print captioned: "Easter Lilies". Other prints within include a full page with 6 photos of: "The Revolt In Venezuela"; a full page with 7 illustrations and photos of: "The Sisseton Indians"; 4 prints of "The New York Board of Trade & Transportation"; prints of: "Shad Fishin... See More  

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Remington prints...

Item #175694

March 26, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 26, 1892  Full front page shows construction of 'The Great Derrick' at the Columbian Exposition. Full page of nice architecture on Chestnut St., Phila.

Lengthy article regarding a western train excursion includes 5 illustrations by F. Remington, all showing soldiers. Full page: 'The College Athlete Indoors' has 3 scenes, one showing baseba... See More  

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U.S. Revenue Marine Service...

Item #175672

January 09, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 9, 1892  Front full pg. illus. of "A View of Beacon Hill From West Boston Bridge." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "Columbian Exposition, Chicago - A Visit to the Roof of the Woman's Building." Two small portraits of "The Duke of Connaught" and "Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, Who was Accidentally Shot by the ... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Tunnel under Niagara Falls...

Item #175668

December 26, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 26, 1891 Full front page: 'On Broadway, After the Theatre'. Full page showing building a tunnel under Niagara Falls, with two more half page illustration regarding its construction.

Complete in sixteen pages.

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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The Missions of California... Russell Sage...

Item #175664

December 12, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 12, 1891. The front of this issues features a full illustration entitled "The Attempted Assassination of Mr. Russell Sage." Inside is a full page illustration of "In and Around the 'Arcade' Building Immediately After the Explosion." Full page illustration of "The Christening of the United States Cruiser 'New York'." ... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Scenes from the horse show... "Drag-Hunting" by Frederic Remington...

Item #175660

November 28, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY November 28, 1891. Front full page illustration of "Scenes from Drag Hunting", by Frederic Remington. Inside is a 1/2 page illustration of "Princeton Football Team." Two full page of "The Dayton Soldiers' Home, Ohio - Garden and Entrance to Grotto" and "Thanksgiving Day in New York - As It Was."

Two full page illustration of &qu... See More  

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Washington Square, New York City...

Item #175658

November 21, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 21, 1891 Full front page: 'Sketches at the Horse Show--Entrance of Saddle Horses'. Half page: 'The Washington Arch, Washington Square., N.Y. City'. Nice full page: 'Columbian Exposition, Chicago'. Full page of the 'Harvard Football Team' & 'The Yale Football Team'.

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Seabright, New Jersey...

Item #175654

November 07, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY November 7, 1891. Front full pg. illus. of "The Brains of the Ship - Inside the Conning Tower of a Modern War Vessel in Action." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "The Weehawken, New Jersey, Elevators the Largest in the World."

Full pg. illus. of "Fishermen Landing in the Surf at Seabright, New Jersey." Four pages of illus. pertaining to "Homes ... See More  

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Scenes of Tacoma, Washington...

Item #175614

June 20, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY New York, June 20, 1891  Front full pg. illus. of "The Madison Square Garden - A Concert by Gilmore's Band." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Transportation and Horticulture Buildings, Columbian Fair." Three 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Three-Cornered Boat Race at New London" including "The Columbia, Cornell, and University of Pennsylvania C... See More  

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Scenes from Toledo, Ohio...

Item #175590

March 28, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 28, 1891 Full ftpg: 'The Killing of 6 of the Italians in the Parish Prison in New Orleans'. Halfpg: 'A Fox Drive in Tennessee'. Fullpg: 'The Empty Saddle'. Fullpg: 'Mass Meeting at the Clay Statue, New Orleans'. Nice fullpg: 'Sketches in Toledo, Ohio' includes 7 scenes & is displayable. Full page: 'Gathering Easte... See More  

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Prints of Rutgers University...

Item #175580

February 21, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 21, 1891 Nice full ftpg. print of: 'Gen. William T. Sherman'. Fullpg. has 9 scenes of: 'The Week of Sport in Central North Carolina'. Fullpg. of text & 7 illus. of: 'Rutgers College'. Find doublepage centerfold : 'Marching Thru Georgia' shows Sherman on horseback. Fullpg: 'Sioux Chiefs Before Sec. Noble'.

Complete in ... See More  

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Remington print: Apache scout...

Item #175564

December 27, 1890

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 27, 1890  The full ftpg. features a nice Frederic Remington print: 'One of the Ft. Keogh Cheyenne Scout Corps', very displayable. Inside has 7 more Remington prints of soldiers & Indians, including: 'Apache Scout'.

Other news and advertisements of the day are included. This issue is complete in 16 pages and is in good condition.... See More  

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Additions to the U.S. Navy...

Item #175500

May 17, 1890

HARPER'S WEEKLY May 17, 1890  Front full pg. illus. of "The End of the Season." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "A May Day at the Central Park Plaza."

Doublepage centerfold of "An Impromptu Affair in the Days of the Code." Full pg. illus. of "A Typical New York Slip." Full pg. containing five illus. of "Additions to the United States Navy."... See More  

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Nice Frederic Remington centerfold...

Item #175494

April 26, 1890

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Apr. 26, 1890  Full ftpg. shows: 'Stanley On the March' in Africa. Fullpg. with 6 'Scenes & Incidents of the Mississippi Floods'. Famous F. Remington doublepage centerfold: 'Prospectors in the Sierra Madre'. Fullpg: 'Cheap Clothing--the Slaves of the Sweaters' showing laborers in the New York clothing district.

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Canadian Mounted Police... by Frederic Remington...

Item #175484

March 22, 1890

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Mar. 22, 1890 The most sought-after wood-cut illustration is the fullpg. Frederic Remington: "Canadian Mounted Police on a Winter Expedition". The ftpg has: "The Mississippi Floods--Night scenes in the Arkansas Bottoms", and the dblpg. centerfold has: "Sketches On a Journey to California in the Overland Train" (which shows some nice western scenes... See More  

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Nellie Bly completes her around the world trip...

Item #175472

February 08, 1890

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 8, 1890  Although not accompanied by an illustration, perhaps the most interesting article is: "Around The World In Seventy-Three Days" which is a report on the adventure of Nellie Bly, the reporter for the New York 'World' newspaper who set out to turn the fictional 'Around the World in Eighty Days' by Jules Vernes into fact for t... See More  

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Cambridege architecture...

Item #175452

November 30, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 30, 1889  Front full pg. illus. of "The Sail Maker." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Recent Architectural Additions to Cambridge." 1/4 pg. portrait of "Eugene Francis Charles D'Albert, Pianist." Two 1/4 pg. portraits of "Theodore Reichmann, of the German Opera Company" and "Heinrich Vogl, of the German Op... See More  

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Real estate in New York City...

Item #175442

October 26, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 26, 1889  Front full pg. illus. of "Joseph Jefferson as Bob Acres in 'The Rivals'." Inside are two full pgs. of illus. pertaining to "Real Estate in New York."

Doublepage centerfold of "Selecting a Saddle Horse." 1/3 pg. illus. of "The Proposed New Republican Club House." Full pg. illus. of "Skermish ... See More  

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Remington print of polo...

Item #175438

October 12, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 12, 1889  Great full ftpg: 'On the Race-Track--A handicap for all Ages' is a displayable scene of a horse race. Fullpg. Remington: 'Rapid Sketches at the Field Day of the Phila. City Troop', shows polo being played. 'American Game Birds'.

Doublepage centerfold: 'View of the Proposed Site for the International Exhibition of 1892&... See More  

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Street hawkers in New York City...

Item #175414

July 20, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, July 20, 1889 Full ftpg: 'The Special Correspondent' is a reporter on horseback, with the cavalry in the background. Article: 'The Noises of New York' has illustrations of various street hawkers.

Complete in twenty pages.

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Williams College... Durango, Colorado...

Item #175412

July 13, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, July 13, 1889 Nice fullpg. with 9 scenes of: 'Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.'. Great dblpgctrfld: 'Trolling for Blue-Fish in Fire Island Inlet'. Great fullpg. view of: 'City of Durango, Colorado'. Fullpg: 'Delegated to Break the News--In the Mining Regions' of a husband's death.

Complete in twenty pages.

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Second rate also available for:


The lumber industry...

Item #175408

June 29, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 29, 1889 Fullpg: 'From Log To Lumber' shows 5 scenes of the lumbering industry. Dblpgctrfld: 'The Yale Varsity Crew Out for a Spin with Their Coach' is sewn in. Fullpg: 'The June Races of the N.Y. & Seawanhaka Yacht Clubs' & 'The Phonograph at the Paris Exposition'

Complete in twenty pages.

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Remington illustration... Cornell University... Conemaugh Valley flood...

Item #175402

June 08, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY June 8, 1889. Front full pg. illus. by Remington of "The Ambushed Picket." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Cornell University." Two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Farewell" and "The United States Steamer 'Yantic' in a Canyon." Dblpgctrfld. of "A Wet Day on the Parisian Boulevard." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Characteristic Scenery of th... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


Oklahoma City...

Item #175396

May 18, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, May 18, 1889 Full ftpg. shows: 'the Old Canoe', being displayable. Dramatic dblpgctrfld: 'Filling The Lifeboat' includes the sinking ship. Over 2 pgs. on 'The Founding of Cities in Oklahoma' includes a very early view of 'Oklahoma City' showing not much more than tents & shacks, plus: 'Laying out Town Lots in Guthrie' and more.

Comp... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


West side of New York City...

Item #175364

January 26, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Jan. 26, 1889 Nice doublepage centerfold: 'The Transformation of the West Side of New York City' shows many scenes. Nice fullpg: 'San Rafael & the Golden Gate' shows 6 illus.

Complete in twenty pages.

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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