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Marysville: great issue on the Modoc Indian War...
Marysville: great issue on the Modoc Indian War...
Item # 712309
April 30, 1872
MARYSVILLE DAILY APPEAL, California, April 30, 1873 In the days of the California Gold Rush, Marysville was a stopping point for riverboats from Sacramento and San Francisco that carried miners on their way to the digging grounds. A sign on the roadside as one enters Marysville carries the slogan: "Gateway to The Gold Fields."
At that time it was one of the largest cities in California, named after one of the survivors of the Donner Party tragedy.
The front page has: "The Modoc War!" "Thrilling News From the Front!" "A Detachment of Troops Making a Reconnoisance Fall Into a Trap" "The Indians Surround and Massacre Them" "A Terrible Blunder" "22 Men Killed & 18 Wounded" with more.
Page 2 has a nice editorial on the Modoc War. A very notable issue on the Modoc Indian War.
Complete with 4 pages, never bound nor trimmed, very nice condition.
Category: The Old West