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Washington offers pardon to deserters... Revolutionary War reports...
Washington offers pardon to deserters... Revolutionary War reports...
Item # 710042
May 05, 1779
THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE & WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, May 5, 1779 Perhaps the prime content is the back page: "PROCLAMATION, By His Excellency GEORGE WASHINGTON, General & Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America".
In this notable Proclamation, Washington notes: "...a pardon was offered to all deserters from the Army...who should rejoin their respective corps by the first of May next...therefore thought proper to extend it to a further period, and I do hereby extend it accordingly to the first day of July next...". It is signed in type at his hqts. in Middle Brook, New Jersey: G. Washington.
Also within are various reports concerning the Revolutionary War, including references to France being an ally to the American cause. Also a letter notes in part: "Americans, in my opinion, stand upon high ground...Should Britain be able to press hard upon us, she will proportionately be pressed upon herself by France...France will insist upon the independence of America as an indispensable preliminary to all accommodation..." with more.
There is also a letter from Fort Augusta (present-day Sunbury, Pennsylvania) about which little is heard in period newspapers. Also mention of an engagement with Indians near Fort Muncy, not far from Fort Augusta.
Other reports as seen in the photos.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, a few very discrete archival mends at margins, reglued at the blank spine, very nice condition.
Category: Revolutionary War