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Two accounts of the Battle of Antietam in a Confederate newspaper...
Two accounts of the Battle of Antietam in a Confederate newspaper...
Item # 709884
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September 27, 1862
DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Sept. 27, 1862
* Very rare Confederate publication
* Battle of Antietam - Sharpsburg, MD
* Bloodiest one day battle in America
Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.
Various reports inside include: "Capture of Cobb's Legion" "Defences of the River" "From Cumberland Gap" "A Yankee Account of the Great Fight on the 17th" which takes over half a column and is on the Battle of Antietam; "The Yankees Again Surrounded!" "Yankee Compliments to Maryland" "Progress & Events of the War" "From The Potomac" which is another account of the Battle of Antietam; "The Victory at Shepherdstown" "Further from St. John's Bluff" and more.
Most of the back page is taken up with the: "Constitution of the State of Georgia, Ratified July 2, 1861".
Four pages, foxing & light damp staining, nice condition.
It was in Columbus where the last battle of the Civil War was fought. Note: The Battle of Palmito Ranch in Texas actually occurred weeks after the Battle of Columbus, but the engagement at Palmito Ranch happened after the Confederate government had dissolved and the Confederacy was extinct. In the "Official Records", the Battle of Columbus is referred to as the "closing conflict of the war.
Category: Confederate