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Early German zeppelin shot down...

Item # 708783

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March 17, 1917

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, March 17, 1917

* World War I - WWI
* Zeppelin LZ 86 shot down
* German Empire aerial attack

The front page of section 2 has a banner headline: "BIG ZEPPELIN IS SHOT DOWN IN FLAMES BY FRENCH" with subhead. (see images)
Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.
Complete with 18 pages, 2 small library stamps within the masthead, a little irregular along the spine, generally very nice.

wikipedia notes: On the night of 16 March 1917, five German Zeppelins attempted their first high altitude bombing raid over London, hoping to attack from 17,000 feet. Cloud cover and heavy winds made for an unsuccessful raid - blown over the Channel and into France, the LZ 86 was shot down by French artillery.

Category: The 20th Century