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Lincoln's cabinet published...

Item # 706373

March 06, 1861


* President Abraham Lincoln
* 2 days after inauguration
* Cabinet announcements

Page 3 has s small yet notable report headed: "Cabinet Appointments" beginning: "We understand that the following nominations were yesterday made by the President and forthwith confirmed by the Senate:..." and what followed is the list of appointments, beginning with: "William H. Seward, Secretary of State...".
Under "Mr. Buchanan" is a report about the departure of ex-President Buchanan from Washington (see photos), and another talks of the troops in Washington. Additional reports illustrate the tensions which eventually led to the Civil War. See images for details.
Nice to have this content in a Washington paper from just a few days after the inauguration.
Four pages, binding evidence along the left spine, overall in very good condition.

Category: Yankee