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The "Colored" Convention... Mormons and issuance of their own fractional currency...

Item # 706028

April 13, 1872

NEW YORK HERALD, April 13, 1872  Page 5 has nearly a full column headed: "COLORED NATIONAL CONVENTION" "A Great Day For The Africans" with various subheads as well. Near the end is: "...A telegraphic dispatch was received and read amid applause from Fred. Douglass at Canton, Mass., announcing his expected arrival at twelve to-night...".
Page 3 has: "Mormon Affairs" with subheads: "A Zion Mercantile Institution Defrauding the Government--The European Missionaries Object to Their Tour--The Promised Wealth & Longevity to Behold the Coming of the Son of Man".
The report is datelined from Salt Lake & notes near the beginning: "...to proceed against the Zion Co-operative Mercantile Institution for violating the revenue laws regarding the issue of their own paper as fractional currency without stamps..." and more.
Twelve pages, very nice condition.

Item from Catalog 346 (released for September, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #346 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

Category: Post-Civil War