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One of the most dramatic Kennedy assassination issues to be had...

Item # 705266

November 22, 1963

CITIZEN-NEWS, Hollywood, California, November 22, 1963

* Unique JFK assassination issue

See the photos for one of the most dramatic front pages to be had reporting the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Unlike most issues of the day, which would have had a photo of JFK on the front page and a headline like "Kennedy Assassinated" with a wealth of reporting, this newsppaer went an entirely different--and more dramatic--route.
Save for the caption to the photo the only word on the front page is in huge, bold letters: "MARTYRED!" The remainder of the front page is a huge, black-bordered photo captioned: "John Fitzgerald Kennedy".
Pages 2 and 3 have much reporting on the event with the balance of the issue containing various news of the day.
Complete in 34 pages, lightly toned, very nice, clean condition.
A quite rare and unusual newspaper and one of the best to be had for display.

Category: The 20th Century