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Much reporting on the Mormon War...
Much reporting on the Mormon War...
Item # 705258
June 19, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, June 19, 1858
* The Utah War - Mormon Rebellion
The front page has over a full column of the latest news on the troubling Mormon situation in Utah, heads reading: "Further From Utah" "Arrival of Seventy Mormon Families at Camp Scott" "The Utah News" and "Details of Advices Previously Received by Telegraph" The full text is seen in the photos.
The reports cover the Mormon Rebellion, a few bits noting: "...almost instantly upon his arrival at the Mormon City he found the population moving off...Brigham Young formally delivered into his hands the 'Great Seal' and all State records...the discovery that the extensive preparations had been skillfully made to give the city to the flames...Happily better counsels prevailed among the leaders...to prevent the catastrophe. Having received the capitulation of Brigham...efficient means to prevent the still-dreaded burning of the city...There is uncertainty about the destination which the Mormon leaders now propose to themselves..." and much more.
Eight pages, slightly irregular at the spine from disbinding,rejoined at the spine, bit close-trimmed at the spine of page 7 affects ads only, good condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War