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First issue of a P. T. Barnum publication...
First issue of a P. T. Barnum publication...
Item # 704596
January 01, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Jan. 1, 1853 This is the very first issue of what would become a short-lived publication which had "P.T. Barnum, Special Partner" involved in its publication, as noted on one of the back pages.
This is one of the earliest illustrated periodicals in the United States, preceding both Leslie's Illustrated and Harper's Weekly. The format would be copied by these two dynamos of 19th century publishing, with prints within including "Destruction of Chickering's Great Piano Manufactory at Boston" "The Mansion of Daniel Webster at Marshfield", a dramatic centerfold captioned: "The Last Moments Of Daniel Webster", "The Great Conflagration at Sacramento, California" & a full back pg. print: "Opening the 2nd Session of the 32nd Congress".
Complete in 16 pages, archivally rejoined at the spine, wear at the margins, the back leaf has various tears & a piece missing, rest of the issue moderately nice.
Category: Pre-Civil War