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Required school Bible reading declared unconstitutional...

Item # 704592

June 18, 1963

THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC, Phoenix, June 18, 1963 

* Bible reading in school is banned by the Supreme Court
* INCOMPLETE ISSUE but nice for display **

Although we have had several newspapers reporting this event, rarely are they found with a banner (edge to edge) headline announcing: "BIBLE CAN'T BE REQUIRED" led in with: "Court Tells Schools:"
Included is a subhead: "Lord's Prayer Also Out". The front page also has a photo of Mrs. Madalyn E. Murray along with her son, Garth, and her mother.
(note: in 1965 she would marry Richard O'Hair, changing her name to the more commonly known Madalyn Murray O'Hair.)
The article begins: "The Supreme Court yesterday barred Bible-reading and recital of the Lord's Prayer in public schools as part of required classroom exercises...". The article carries over to page 3.
Present are pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 23 & 24 of 48 pages. Very nice, clean condition.

Category: The 20th Century