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John Adams negotiates with the Dutch... Preparing for the final event at Yorktown...

Item # 704578

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October 09, 1781

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT & WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, Hartford, Oct. 9, 1781  The entire front page and a column on page 2 are taken up with: "A Memorial to their High Mightinesses, the States-General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries". It is signed in type by John Adams who was the American ambassador to the Netherlands, and being: "The subscriber has the honor to propose...concerning a treaty of amity and commerce..." that would give aid to the American cause, and acknowledge the independence of America by the Dutch.
Page 2 includes a report from Annapolis: "...that the Count de Grasse is returned to his former station at Cape Henry having driven the British fleet from the coast...".
Then there is some very nice & notable reports from Virginia on events in the Yorktown vicinity just a month prior to the surrender of Cornwallis. Nice strategic information on the position of troops & ships.
Then a letter from Camden, South Carolina which has some commentary on the situation with Col.Isaac Hayne, the American officer hanged by the British for a controversial charge. Than a prophetic statement: "That enemy to the human species, Cornwallis, is  now  in the toils & must inevitably in a short time undergo the  fate of Burgoyne...". And also: "...from General Greene's army...we learn that the British had evacuated their post at Orangeburgh..." with much more.
Four pages, ornate lettering in the masthead, very nice condition.

Item from Catalog 349 (released for December, 2024)

Category: Revolutionary War