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The Negro Army in progress...

Item # 704469

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February 04, 1863

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1863  This was an anti-war newspaper that insisted slavery should not be abolished, so consequently much content has an anti-North bias.
Among the articles are: "The Horrors of Missouri" "The Negro Army In Progress" "The Cause of the War--The Remedy" "The Oppression in Missouri" "Steady But Onward" "A Law too Prevent Free Negroes Emigrating to Ohio" and more.
Page 6 has an editorial beginning: "The Republican idea of making us take Abraham Lincoln and swear fealty to him, right or wrong, instead of the guide our predecessors gave us--wise, great, good men...is so utterly absurd & ridiculous...".
Eight pages, damp staining to a lower quadrant does not deter readability, good condition.

Described as "The Hottest Rebel Sheet to be found in the North or the South", this newspaper opposed the war and attracted the hatred of the Republicans and the Lincoln administration. It was denied circulation in some cities. In 1863 the press was raided by a hateful mob.

Category: Yankee