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The great Philadelphia State House print...

Item # 704435 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1752

* Pennsylvania State House
* Philadelphia PA print
* Independence Hall

Despite the 48 pages of text within this issue the prime content is certainly the full page plate captioned: "A View of the State House in Philadelphia" which would later be known as Independence Hall.
This is a print of this famous building 24 years before it would become much more famous. It is one of the earliest prints of this historic building to be had & is quite rare as it is typically missing from this issue. The print is in great condition and not trimmed close at the top or bottom (more commonly the fate). It also has the date in the upper right: "Sept. 1752".
Other items of interest in this issue as noted in the table of content include: "Spruce Beer, how made in North America" "Account of the Acts concerning Coroners" "Piety of Mahometans" "Hydrophobia cured by Excessive Bleeding" and a news report from "Charles Town [Charleston] South Carolina".
Additional plates present are a nearly full page print of "The Parrot of Carolina, from Catesby's Natural History" with descriptive text & which is hand water-colored; and a print of "An Antique Representation of Mars".
Complete in 48 pages, full title/contents page, 5 by 8 inches, great condition.

A very nice pre-Revolutionary War magazine from the "mother country". This was the first periodical to use the word "magazine" in its title, having begun in 1731 and lasting until 1907.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's