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Death of Ben Franklin...
Death of Ben Franklin...
Item # 704390
April 24, 1790
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, April 24, 1790
* Benjamin Franklin death (1ST REPORT)
Our records indicate it has been over 12 years since we have been able to offer a newspaper with some report on the death or funeral of Ben Franklin. Such issues have been very elusive.
The back page has a very notable--and early--report headed datelined at "Philadelphia, April 20, 1790" beginning: "Died on Saturday night, in the 85th year of his age, the illustrious BENJAMIN FRANKLIN of this city. His remains will be interred to morrow afternoon, at four o'clock in Christ Church burial ground. We are favored with the following short account of Doctor Franklin's last illness, by his attending physicians..." with the account following.
Near the top of page 2 is a black-bordered report inserted in the news events of April 22 which reads: "The house being informed of the decease of Benjamin Franklin, a citizen whose native genius was not more an ornament to human nature, than his various exertions of it have been precious to science, to freedom, and to his country, do resolve, as a mark of the veneration due to his memory, that the members wear the customary badge of mourning for one month."
Page 3 has a report headed: "Philadelphia, 21, April" noting: "This day was interred the remains of the illustrious and venerable Benjamin Franklin, L.L.D. with every mark of tender & respectful sorrow, which an affectionate family, devoted to him--friends truly sensible of his worth, or an intelligence and grateful city could show..." with more.
Auction records show that four years ago the issue of the Gazette of the U.S. after this date sold for over $6,000.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's