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Lincoln initiates the building of a transcontinental railroad...

Item # 704320

September 04, 1862

THE KANSAS STATE JOURNAL, Lawrence, Sept. 4, 1862

* Pacific Railway Acts
* Transcontinental Railroad
* President Abraham Lincoln
* American Civil War era

 Most of the front page and a bit of page 2 are taken up with the very historic; "Pacific Railroad Bill", actually the first of two (the 2nd in 1864) which would provide federal subsidies in land and loans for the construction of a transcontinental railroad across the United States.
This first Pacific Railway Act (July 1, 1862) authorized the building of the railroad and granted rights of way to the Union Pacific to build westward from Omaha, Neb., and to the Central Pacific to build eastward from Sacramento, California.
It has a great wealth of detail & is signed in type on page 2 by the President: Abraham Lincoln. Page 2 also has an editorial on this as well.
The transcontinental railroad would officially be completed in May, 1869.
Four pages, nice condition.

Category: Yankee