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On the arrest of Medary, the publisher of this newspaper...

Item # 704170

June 01, 1864

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, June 1, 1864  

* Samuel Medary arrested
* Best title to be had (rare)

A notable issue as the front page has good content reporting on the arrest of Samuel Medary, the publisher of this newspaper. The first article is: "Is It Revolution! -- More Arrests" followed by: "Liberty Lies Sunned & Bleeding From Assassin Blows & Wounds!" which is more concerning the arrest of Medary.
Page 4 has a nice editorial concerning the arrest of Medary, as well as an article: "Arrest of Sam. Medary As a Conspirator", with other related articles. Terrific to have this content in Medary's own newspaper! See the hyperlink for much more on the interesting history of Medary and "The Crisis".
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition.

Described as "The Hottest Rebel Sheet to be found in the North or the South", this newspaper opposed the war and attracted the hatred of the Republicans and the Lincoln administration. It insisted that slavery could not be prohibited by law. So obnoxious was this paper to Unionists that it was denied circulation in some cities. In 1863 the press was raided by a hateful mob.

Category: Yankee