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A Proclamation signed by Washington and Jefferson...

Item # 703810

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April 10, 1790

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, April 10, 1790  Pages 1 and 2 have reports on discussions in Congress from this formative year.
Page 2 has "A Proclamation" stating that a "Convention" concerning the functions and privileges of Consuls was agreed upon between the United States and France. The text of the Convention follows, and concludes on page 3 with a statement confirming ratification, signed in type: George Washington & Thomas Jefferson. The back page has the: "Speech of M. de la Fayette".
Four pages, minor margin wear, damp stains near the margins, an older repair at the inside spine.

Considered by many as the most significant newspaper of the 18th century, particularly during this, one of the formative years of the new federal government, as this paper was the mouthpiece of all matters political. Most pronouncements from Congress & the President were printed first in this newspaper.

Item from Catalog 349 (released for December, 2024)

Category: The 1600's and 1700's