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The near-final version of the Bill of Rights, printed just ten days before the final version...

Item # 703727

September 23, 1789

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, September 23, 1789  

* U.S. Senate version of the "Bill of Rights"
* United States Constitution - Amendments

Printed in their entirety on the front page are the twelve proposed Amendments to the Constitution, to be known as the Bill of Rights. But note this version is slightly different from the final version that would appear in the October 3 issue.
To provide some background on the creation of the Bill of Rights, the House had proposed seventeen amendments "printed for the consideration of the Senate," which, through debate and reconciliation, combination and elimination, produced a roster of twelve projected amendments, which are printed here on the front page of the September 23 issue of the Gazette of the United States—the mouthpiece of the federal government—the same day they were proposed by the Senate. Same-day printings of any document are very rare.
After further debate and refinement, the two houses of congress agreed to the final text of the proposed amendments to the Constitution. The following day, September 26, the Senate concurred with the House joint resolution to send copies of the agreed upon twelve amendments to the states for ratification.
On October 3, 1789, the "Gazette of the United States" printed the final text of the twelve proposed amendments, incorporating the final revisions agreed to by both the House and the Senate. The most significant of these changes involved what are known today as the First Amendment (rephrasing the prohibition of the establishment of religion) and the Sixth Amendment (concerning the right to trial by jury).
Consequently the Bill of Rights printed here are nearly identical to the printing in the final version found in the October 3 issue.
A terrific companion issue for any owner of the October 3, 1789 "Gazette of the United States". A noted rare book dealer had offered this issue for $25,000 and has since sold.
Complete in four pages, great condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's