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On the capture of Major Andre, with Benedict Arnold's response...
On the capture of Major Andre, with Benedict Arnold's response...
Item # 703558
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November 20, 1780
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 20, 1780 Page 2 has nearly a full column of text on America with items noting: "We are informed that Mr. Washington has again shifted his position & is now posted between Paramus & English Neighbourhood...that Rear-Admiral Edwards has thinned the rebel privateers cruising on the coasts of Nova Scotia...a British force from Canada had taken post at Ticonderoga & were fortifying themselves there & that the rebels are moving up some of their militia...about a fortnight ago Fort Stanwix, after having been 5 or 6 weeks closely invested, was taken by 600 British troops...the Indians have laid waste the whole country, the Tory houses excepted, down to Schenectady, where some rebels are throwing up works to oppose the progress of the British troops..." & more.
A report from Savannah notes: "We hear from Augusta that a Captain of the Queen's Rangers...lately charged about 300 rebels above Ninety-Six. Whilst they were engaged Col. Ferguson happily got up with some men to the assistance of our small party, which obliged the enemy to take to their heels...".
Perhaps of most significance is the page 2 historic report of the hanging of Major Andre for his involvement in the Arnold/Andre treason. Content includes: "The gallant but unfortunate Major Andre, who lately fell into the hands of an inhumane enemy, was no more than 25 years of age...The death of the gallant Major Andre must pain the heart of every well-wisher to his country...his conduct at the gallows, which on this occasion, lost all its ignominity, discovered that greatness & intrepidity of mind that might be expected from a life spent in credit & in honour. When he arrived at the fatal spot he addressed the American officers who stood round him & called upon them to bear witness to the circumstances of his last moments..." plus the text of his final words.
This is followed by: "Gen. Arnold, struck at the execution nof Major Andre, & alarmed for the safety of a beautiful & affectionate wife & 4 fine children he had left behind at West Point, wrote immediately the following calonic note to the rebel Commander Washington." with the text printed here, & which begins: "The wanton execution of a gallant British officer in cold blood may be only the prelude to further butcheries on the same ill-fated occasion. Necessity compelled me to leave behind me in your camp a wife & offspring....remember I will avenge their wrongs in a deluge of American Blood!" which is signed in type: B. Arnold.
This is followed by a note: "General Washington immediately on Arnold's escape put General Lord Stirling, 7 colonels & two members of Congress under an arrest...General Clinton has written home word that the fate of Major Andre has created such a rage for revenge in the army...Washington is so jealous of his Continental troops in general as to inviron them, in a manner, with parties of his most tried & confidential soldiers to prevent their desertion..." plus more.
Four pages red-inked tax stamp on the front page, folio-size, good condition.
Category: Revolutionary War