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Civil War map... Lincoln plans for his Emancipation Proclamation...

Item # 702657

August 22, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Aug. 22, 1862  

* First Battle of Rappahannock  Station close
* Abraham Lincoln prepares emancipation proclamation

The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "THE SEAT OF WAR IN VIRGINIA." Among the column heads on the front page are: "General Pope Falling Back" "Stonewall Jackson Advancing" "Richmond Abandoned" "A Great Battle Expected" "The War In the South-West" "Lexington Menaced" "Our Forces in Pursuit" and much more.
But perhaps more notable is the report which begins page 5 with column heads: "The Abolition of Slavery" "Proclamation of Emancipation by the President" "Part of The Cabinet Oppose It".
History tells us that on July 22 Lincoln presented to his Cabinet a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation. But they persuaded him to wait till a Union victory on the battlefield to release it, which he did on September 22 shortly after the Battle of Antietam. This article includes much detail.
Eight pages, very nice condition.

Category: Yankee