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On the Lewis & Clark Expedition, reported on the front page...
On the Lewis & Clark Expedition, reported on the front page...
Item # 702570
March 05, 1806
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 5, 1806
* Thomas Jefferson message to U.S. Congress
* First published information on Lewis and Clark
The front page has a nice "Message" to the Congress signed in type by the President: Th. Jefferson, with much concerning the Lewis & Clark Expedition, including: "...Capt. Meriwether Lewis...was appointed, with a party of men, to explore the river Missouri from its mouth to its source, and crossing the highlands by the shortest portage to seek the best water communication thence to the Pacific ocean; and Lieut. Clark was appointed second in command. They were to enter into conference with the Indian nation on their route...On the 8th of April, 1805, they proceeded up the river in pursuance of the object prescribed to them. A letter of the preceding day, April 7, from Capt. Lewis, is herewith communicated. During his stay among the Mandans, he had been able to lay down the Missouri..." with much more.
Four pages, various foxing, archivally rejoined at the spine, nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War