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Washington & his wife arrive... Captain Bligh...

Item # 701546

October 01, 1791

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 1791  A page 3 report from "Georgetown" reports: "Monday evening last the PRESIDENT of the United States, his LADY, and Suite, arrived in this town from the Seat of Government; and on Tuesday took their departure for Mount Vernon."
Another page 3 item notes: "Capt, Bligh is now on his way a second time, for the purpose of transplanting the bread-fruit tree; and his success and safety is eagerly desired and wished for by this nation." This is Captain Bligh of mutiny on the Bounty fame.
Four pages, several archival mends, one mostly across page 2, minor margin wear, good condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's