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Washington's Farewell Address to the army...
Washington's Farewell Address to the army...
Item # 701133
November 08, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
Taking over a full column on page 1 and a bit of page 2 is the historic document headed: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the United States" and datelined "Rocky Hill, near Princeton, Nov. 2, 1783". This document remains one of the more desirable from the Revolutionary War and the life of Washington.
The Washington letter is prefaced with some introductory comments including: "The United States in Congress...after giving the most honorable testimony to the merits of the federal armies...thought proper...to discharge such part of the troops...it only remains for the Commander in Chief to address himself once more, and that for the last time, to the armies of the United States...and to bid them an affection--a long farewell. But before the Commander in Chief takes his final leave...he wishes to indulge himself a few moments..." with more.
What then follows is the text of his farewell orders, noting in part: "...A contemplation of the compleat attainment (at a period earlier than could have been expected) of the object for which we contended, against so formidable a power, cannot but inspire us with astonishment and gratitude--The disadvantageous circumstances on our part, under which the war was undertaken, can never be forgotten--The singular interpositions of Providence in our feeble condition were such as could scarcely escape the attention of the most unobserving, while the unparalleled perseverance of the armies of the United States, thought almost every possible suffering & discouragement, for the space of eight long years, was little short of a standing miracle..." and more.
Page 2 contains the historic Proclamation by Washington in which he discharges the troops. It is headed: "By his Excellency George Washington, Esq. General & Commander in Chief of the Forces of the United States of America, A PROCLAMATION" with the text including in part: "...the Commander in Chief be, & he is hereby directed to discharge all the troops in the service of the United States who are now in Pennsylvania or to the southward thereof, except the garrison of Fort Pitt..." concluding with: "Given at Rocky-Hill, near Princeton, this 4th day of November, 1783" and signed in type: George Washington."
Other content relating to the closing events as well, but they pale in comparison to the Farewell Address and Proclamation by Washington.
Four pages, wide never-trimmed margins, nice condition.
Category: Revolutionary War