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Letter from Washington to Hancock, and more...
Letter from Washington to Hancock, and more...
Item # 700618
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August 16, 1780
RUDDIMAN'S WEEKLY MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 16, 1780
* American Revolutionary War era
* From the enemy original
* George Washington letter to John Hancock
Most of the front page and all of page 2 are taken up with a report headed: "America" including a lengthy "Speech of...the Gov. of Georgia to the General Assembly..." with a pro-British theme.
Portions including: "Peace, happiness, true liberty & the enjoyment of property were long banished from this land...during the late wicked usurpation the inhabitants of this country experienced the most cruel tryranny; their commerce was annihilated...I trust we shall now very soon enjoy the blessings of peace & true liberty under just laws & his Majesty's protection..." & so much more.
Page 3 has: "The Following is Said to be a Genuine Letter from General Washington to John Hancock, Esq." in which he mentions: "...my resolution, if not fixed finally before, is now in fact determined. The surrender of Charlestown explains every doubt...my troops are tired of war & destitute of the common comforts of a soldier..." and ending with: "I pray God to direct the affairs of Congress for the best; & that they may, with my eyes, see inevitable destruction to America in a shameful & total overthrow of her army if the voice of peace does not immediately stop the victorious troops of Clinton."
Other Revolutionary War reports scattered throughout the issue including an item noting: "...that Gen. Washington had been reduced to the necessity of fighting or surrendering & that he had been whollly defeated by the troops under the joint command of Sir Henry Clinton & General Knyphansen..." with more.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light foxing at folds, very nice condition. A very scarce title.
Category: Revolutionary War