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Wonderful 1729 handwritten document from Massachusetts Bay...

Item # 700615

November 19, 1729

An early colonial document concerning the sale of a parcel of land in Massachusetts. It begins: "To all People to whom this...shall come greeting to: Know you that we Joseph Keith, Samuel Keith and John Keith all of Bridgwater in the County of Plymouth within his majesties province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, for and in consideration of..." with various details on the money and the boundaries of the land. Near the end is: "...where of we have here unto see our hands and seals this nineteenth day of November, anon Domini 1729."
There are two witness signatures, and the 3 signatures of the Keith family with their red wax seals still attached.
Further down the 2nd page is a notation that the document was recorded in the records of the deeds of the county on August 7, 1745, presumable when the final payment was satisfied.
Totally handwritten, 15 by 12 1/4 inches, some wear at fold and spine with a small hole at the middle fed juncture, a few archival mends at the edges. 

Category: Documents & Broadsides