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A "Copperhead" newspaper: a wealth of war-related content...

Item # 699991

March 20, 1865

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, March 20, 1865

* Final weeks of the Civil War
* Robert E. Lee and more
* Copperhead Democrats publication

Described as "The Hottest Rebel Sheet to be found in the North or the South", this newspaper opposed the war and attracted the hatred of the Republicans and the Lincoln administration. It insisted that slavery could not be prohibited by law. So obnoxious was this paper to Unionists that it was denied circulation in some cities. In 1863 the press was raided by a hateful mob.
Content in this issue includes a front page: "Address Of The Confederate Congress" "An Appeal to the Southern People" which appeared in the Richmond Sentinel.
Page 3 has a: "Special Message from President Davis to the Confederate Congress". The address, which appeared in the Richmond Enquirer, takes over three columns & is signed in type: Jefferson Davis.
Page 5 has: "The Correspondence between General Lee and General Grant Concerning the Peace Negotiations--Letter of President Davis". Includes two letters signed in type: Jefferson Davis, one signed in type: R. E. Lee & one signed in type: U. S. Grant.
The back page has a speech delivered by President Lincoln in which he discusses the South's "...attempt...to employ the negro to fight for them...".
Eight pages, in very good condition.

Category: The Civil War