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Early report on the slave trade in America...

Item # 699115

September 05, 1765

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 5, 1765  Pages 1 and 2 have reports headed: "America" with Charleston datelines. The first report is quite notable, as it is a very early reference to the importation of slaves.
It reads: "The value of the negroes imported into this province since the passing of the act for laying an additional duty, to take place the 1st of January nest, is computed by some persons to amount to 200,000 pounds sterling; a great addition to our internal stock, as it is not likely that one in a hundred of them will ever leave the province, although they should change masters."
The other report concerning troubling relations with the Cherokee Indians. A few bits note: "... concerning the assassination of the Cherokee Indians...The dread & terror the traders were in may be easily imagined...that the Virginians were the cause of the last war...he would went no Talk to Virginia as they knew they had spilt the blood of the Cherokees...desired that as many white men should die as there had been Indians killed..." and more.
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, good condition.

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

Category: The 1600's and 1700's