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Homer's "Seesaw--Gloucester... American baseball in London...

Item # 699092

September 12, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 12, 1874 

* Famous Winslow Homer print

Although there are many very nice prints within, the most desired is the full page print by Winslow Homer: "Seesaw--Gloucester, Massachusetts".  
Also within is a full page: "The American Baseball Players in England--Match between the Red Stockings and the Athletics..." plus a half page baseball print captioned: "The Maple Leaf Baseball Club of Guelph, Ontario, Canada" showing the players in uniform with bats.
Additional prints include 3 on the: "Black Hills Expedition" including: "Camp Where Gold Was First Discovered--Custer Gulch on the Left" "The Floating Hospital of St. John's Guild"; a halfpg: "Limestone In Kansas"; a full front page: "The Welcome"; a halfpg. of: "Pearl Fishing at Ceylon" and a few smaller prints.
Sixteen pages plus the 4 page Supplement issue, light toning at the margins, very nice condition.

Category: 1870-1879