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Ad supports Lincoln and Hamlin for President & Vice President...
Ad supports Lincoln and Hamlin for President & Vice President...
Item # 698988
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October 02, 1860
DAILY ATLAS AND BEE, Boston, Oct. 2, 1860 This was obviously a Republican newspaper, as near the top of the front page is campaign ad supporting: "For President, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, of Illinois - For Vice President, HANNIBAL HAMLIN, of Maine" and noting Nov. 6 as the date for the election. The front page also has a bit stating the newspaper: "...its earnest support to the Republican cause, and aid in the election of LINCOLN AND HAMLIN."
Various news & ads of the day, four pages, large folio size, rejoined at the spine, good condition. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.
Category: Pre-Civil War