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First National League game played in New York...
First National League game played in New York...
Item # 698782
April 26, 1876
NEW YORK HERALD, April 26, 1876
* Very 1st National League baseball game
* Played in New York City (19th century)
Page 4 under: "The National Game" has a brief but historical report about the first National League game played in New York.
The report reads: "The game on the Union Grounds yesterday between the Mutual and Boston clubs was a great surprise to all who witnessed it. At the conclusion of the eighth inning the score stood 6 to 2 in favor of the New York nine, but in the last inning the Bostons blanked their opponents and then made five runs, thus winning by a single run. There were about 1,000 spectators present."
The final score of the game was 7-6. Includes the line score, the name of the umpire the "Runs earned" and the length of the game which was two hours and twenty-five minutes.
Page 4 also has an article: "Edgar A. Poe".
Twelve page, very nice condition.
Category: Post-Civil War