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Corbett's short-lived newspaper...

Item # 698638

April 25, 1797

PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE, Philadelphia, April 25, 1797  

* Rare 18th century American publication

The front page has a: "Two Dollars Reward" ad for a runaway servant girl, with details. Also: "General Orders" from the Commander in Chief of the troops of the United States beginning: "All absent officers, with exception to those on the recruiting service, under orders from the Secretary of War, are to join their respective corps without delay..." signed in type: James Wilkinson.
This was William Cobbett's important and controversial--but short-lived--daily newspaper. This is the volume 1, number 45 issue.
Cobbett was a prolific & controversial publisher who often wrote under the pen name of "Peter Porcupine." He was famous for sniping at his political opponents, usually those of a Jeffersonian-Republican sentiment. The first issue appeared on March 4, 1797 and the newspaper lasted but 770 issues.
There are no fewer than 3 detailed runaway slave ads, one of which takes over half a column with detail (unusual).
Four pages, very wide, never-trimmed margins, nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's