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Perhaps our best issue on the Chicago Fire...
Perhaps our best issue on the Chicago Fire...
Item # 698614
October 10, 1871
* Great Chicago fire disaster
* From the same city (very rare)
This is perhaps the very best Chicago Fire issue we have offered. Not only is it from Chicago, but it is a day earlier than any other report we have offered from Chicago.
Most of the first column is taken up with heads including; "CHICAGO IN FLAMES" "An All-Night Carnival of the Fire Fiend!" "The Most Extensive & Devastating Conflagration of the 19th Century!" "A Fire Originates in the West Division, Destroys Several Acres of Buildings, Crosses the South Branch to the South Division, Sweeps through the business Heart of the City, Leaps the Main River, and Lays Waste the Entire North Side!" "Thousands of Families Turned out of Doors" "A Night of Horror Never Before Equaled on the Continent" "Numerous Lives Loss" and even more.
The very detailed report on the fire takes the entire front page, all of page 2, and a portion of page 3 as well. Even page 4 has fire-related content.
Page 2 has a note that: "The office of The Evening Post will hereafter be found at 95 and 97 West Randolph Street, up stairs...We rejoice to say that printed copies of the daily and weekly Evening Post were save from the fire...". Then an editorial which begins: "The people of Chicago are in ashes and mourning; but they are alive with hope and courage..." with more.
Four pages, 11 by 15 1/2 inches, very nice condition.
Category: Post-Civil War