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Treaty of Ghent ends of the War of 1812...
Treaty of Ghent ends of the War of 1812...
Item # 698472
February 22, 1815
BOSTON PATRIOT Feb. 22, 1815
* Treaty of Ghent signed
* War of 1812 officially over
Page 2 has a very nice printing of the peace treaty which ended the War of 1812 with the complete text taking nearly three wide columns. At the end of the treaty are the signatures of the respective "Plenipotentiaries" and the concluding remarks of the President, in which he prevails upon all to "...faithfully ...observe and fulfill the said Treaty and every clause and article thereof...".
The treaty is signed in very large type: JAMES MADISON.
Reasonably light foxing throughout, otherwise in good condition. A key issue.
Category: Pre-Civil War