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Letter signed by G. Washington... England's frivolous advantages...
Letter signed by G. Washington... England's frivolous advantages...
Item # 698074
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September 23, 1777
THE LONDON EVENING POST, England, Sept. 23, 1777
* American Revolutionary War era
* 18th century - from The Enemy
* General George Washington
The front page has a few news items from the war in America, including: "...from Philadelphia we have an account that the Provincials have strongly secured the environs of that city...that the taking of Phila. is as impossible this year to our army as the taking of Pekin...the whole effect of the campaign is the taking of mad Lee, lame Manley, and deserted Ticonderoga...how many thousand men have we sacrificed for these frivolous advantages!...".
Page 3 has a letter from Boston with some war news, and also a letter from New York with news as well.
The back page includes a letter from: "General Washington to General Howe" at New Jersey, beginning: "The fortune of war having thrown Major General Prescott into our hands, I beg leave to propose his exchange for Major General Lee..." with more on this, signed in type: G. Washington.
This is followed by additional war-related reports from New York.
Four pages, folio size, never-trimmed margins, red tax stamp on page 3, there are several archival mends through some text which compromise a few words as seen in the photos.
Category: Revolutionary War