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Second voyage of the HMS Dolphin: first Europeans on Tahiti...
Second voyage of the HMS Dolphin: first Europeans on Tahiti...
Item # 697946
May 30, 1768
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England (now spelled Gloucester), May 30, 1768
* Commodore John Byron
* HMS Dolphin 2nd World voyage
* Commander Samuel Wallis
Various British news reports throughout, with its finest feature being the handsome masthead with two detailed engravings and the ornate lettering.
Pages 2 and 3 have a great account of the second voyage of the HMS Dolphin, taken from a letter headed: "Extract of a Letter from on Board his majesty's Ship the Dolphin, Newly Arrived from a Second Voyage Round the World". It provides a great account of the men being the first Europeans to visit Tahiti.
Four pages, a red tax stamp on the front page, great condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's