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Terrific & displayable issue with front page discussion from London on the futility of the war...

Item # 697887

April 30, 1782


* Rare American Revolutionary War publication

A terrific front page as it is entirely taken up with reports of discussions in the "House of Commons" mostly focused on the Revolutionary War and the futility of continuing it.
A few bits include: "That it is the opinion of the house that the war carried on in the colonies & plantations of North America has proved ineffectual, either for the protection of his Majesty's loyal subjects in the colonies, or for defeating the dangerous designs of our enemies..." and: "...words of the second motion were to resolve against 'all future efforts to subdue the American provinces to their obedience by force.'..." and then: "...As he had already declared he regarded the motion as mounting to a resolution to abandon the American war altogether...for be the consequence what it might, he never would be the minister to sign any instrument which gave Independence to America. His opinion ever had been, & his opinion then was, that the moment the house acknowledged the Independence of America the British empire was ruined. This nation never could exist as a great and powerful people unless our; sovereign was likewise the sovereign of America..." & so much more, portions carrying over to page 2.
Page 2 has a report from London beginning: "Yesterday at one o'clock, and not before, Earl Cornwallis arrived in the metropolis accompanied by General Arnold and his family...".
Page 2 also has a letter signed in type by: J. Adams in which he presents himself and his commission entrusted to create a treaty between the United States and the Netherlands. There is also more on the role Benedict Arnold will plan in relations with America, etc.
Just a wealth of other interesting reports on events from the end of the Revolutionary war, portions seen in the photos.
Four pages, handsome lettering in the masthead, very nice condition.

Category: Revolutionary War