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Should an atheist's oath "under God" be disqualified in court?
Should an atheist's oath "under God" be disqualified in court?
Item # 697761
July 02, 1839
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 2, 1839 Page 2 has: "Religious Belief of Witnesses", which tells of a court case in Boston in which the defendant argued that a potential witness should be disqualified since the required oath "to tell the truth... so help me God" with their hand on a Bible would be meaningless to them. It is interesting to note this tension was being argued in the 1830's. See images for details.
The back page has multiple ads offering rewards for the capture and return of runaway slaves. Ironically, to the left of these are additional ads for northern transport - what we now know as likely north-bound routes taken by runaways.
Other news of the era is also present.
Four pages, slightly rough left spine, in very good condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War