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The Netherlands waits until England grants America their independence....

Item # 696549

March 12, 1782

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 12, 1782  Page 2 has a brief item concerning: "... that the prohibition made by the American States of importing any of the English manufactured goods, by means of timely precautions, would give a new life to our own manufacture, which have for some time been in a very declining state..." and a bit more.
The back page has a letter from the Hague which includes: "...Every one is curious to know what will be done by the States relative to the memorial presented to them by the American agent Mr. Adams; some imagine...some members of the States have expressed themselves in favor of acknowledging the Independence of America, yet it would be very impolite to make any such acknowledgment till the States of America are declared independent by Great Britain..." and a bit more.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

Category: Revolutionary War