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Slavery... The controversial Huddy-Asgill Affair...
Slavery... The controversial Huddy-Asgill Affair...
Item # 696529 THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, January, 1787 One of the more intriguing articles is: "Letters Relative to the Treatment of Capt. Asgill, while Prisoner in the American Army, being a full Refutation of the Charges of Inhumanity Exhibited in London Against General Washington". This is on the Huddy-Asgill Affair. Website have full details, but in brief Capt. Huddy, an American officer, was hanged by the British in reprisal for the killing of a Loyalist. Washington was incensed, and had British prisoner Capt. Asgill selected (they drew straws) to be hanged in retaliation.
Among the other articles within: "Portrait Of General Washington--Translated from the French of Mr. Mandrillon, by a very Young Lady" which takes about 2 pages (lacking the plate); "A Letter from Mr. Otto to Dr. Franklin" "New Experiment of the Transfusion of Blood" "Paradise of Negro Slaves--A Dream" and more.
Among the poems near the back is: "Addressed to General Washington in the Year 1777, After the Battles of Trenton and Princeton" and: "Mount Vernon - An Ode Inscribed to General Washington, Written at Mount Vernon, August 1786 by Colonel Humphreys".
A rarity is the presence of the full page plate (they were typically removed) which has some descriptive text on the bridge on the facing page.
Near the back is "Intelligence" which has the latest news reports of the day from both America and various European cities. Included is a report from New York noting: "...meeting of the society for promoting the manumission of slaves & protecting such of them as have been or may be liberated...The society came to the following resolution, That a gold medal be given to the person who shall deliver the best oration...exposing in the best manner the injustice & cruelty of the slave trade, and the oppression & ill-policy of holding Negroes in slavery." There is also some content on the Shays' Rebellion.
Included is the foldout the meteorological chart.
Complete in 48 pages, 5 by 8 inches, full title/contents page, in uncommonly very nice, clean condition.
This title has the honor of being the first successful American magazine, having begun in September, 1786 and lasting until December, 1792.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's