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Early baseball... Theatrical show: 'Life Among the Mormon'...

Item # 695734

April 10, 1858

SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, April 10, 1858 

* Very early pre-Civil War baseball

It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage". 
Page 6 has a heading: "Cricket And Base Ball" with subheads including: "Knickerbocker Base Ball Club" "Buffalo Base Ball Club" "Olympic Ball Club" "The Niagara Club" "Niagara Club of Brooklyn" and: "Erie Base Ball Club". 
The back page has much reporting under: "Things Theatrical" which includes a brief report on a show in New York, noting: " 'Life Among the Mormons' has drawn immensely at Purdy's popular establishment, and is still running. On Monday next a new pantomime will be presented, which will no doubt be a side-splitter...".
This may well have been a play on the title: "Life Among the Lowly" which was "Uncle Tom's Cabin", immensely popular at that time.
Twelve pages, 12 3/4 by 18 inches, a sporting-themed engraving in the masthead, great condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War