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The last issue published of a title that existed just six months...
The last issue published of a title that existed just six months...
Item # 695448
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May 19, 1809
COLUMBIAN DETECTOR, Boston, May 19, 1809
* Early & Rare 19th century publication
A quite uncommon and short-lived newspaper, this being just the second issue we have offered. It existed for just six months before being sold out to the Boston Patriot. This is the last issue published.
There is an editorial note on page 3: "To Our Patrons" in which they explain the decision to sell to the Patriot.
Four pages, 10 3/4 by 13 inches, never bound nor trimmed, irregular at the margin, water staining, some dirtiness, no loss and all is quite legible.
Category: Pre-Civil War